Hacken Announces Tokenization of Equity, Pioneering a New Era of Crypto Investment

March 14, 2024 BACK TO NEWS

Hacken, a leading blockchain security auditor, has made a groundbreaking announcement in the crypto space by tokenizing its equity, linking it to its native token, $HAI. This move marks a significant step forward in bridging the gap between digital assets and real-world value, offering investors a unique opportunity to own a stake in the company's future.

Through this initiative, existing or new $HAI holders can exchange their assets for Hacken Equity Shares ($HES), effectively allowing them to become part owners of the business. This move positions Hacken as the first crypto company to enable its community to own part of the real business, providing a new level of accountability, transparency, and connection between its native token and its business ecosystem.

The tokenization involves bringing 10% of the company's equity onto the Ethereum blockchain as tokenized assets, which can be exchanged for 100 million $HAI. Each Hacken Equity Share is valued at 1 million $HAI, with 100 shares available at varying fiat prices due to asset volatility. Importantly, Hacken plans to burn 87% of the acquired $HAI tokens, further enhancing the scarcity of its native token.

This strategic move aligns with Hacken's aspiration to become a publicly traded company in the future. By tokenizing its equity, Hacken aims to bring more accountability and transparency to its operations while offering private investors the opportunity to diversify their crypto portfolios with DeFi assets linked to real business value. This move grants investors the stability and low-risk characteristics traditionally associated with traditional finance.

The technical implementation of Hacken's tokenization is facilitated by the asset tokenization protocol Brickken. The tokenized Hacken equity is available on Brickken's RWA marketplace for all KYC-verified investors. Early adopters of Hacken Equity Share are set to benefit from favorable conditions due to asset volatility, presenting a unique opportunity for $HAI holders.

Dyma Budorin, Co-Founder and CEO of Hacken, emphasized the transformative nature of this move, stating, "Our commitment to RWA tokenization signifies more than a strategic move; it marks a transformative shift, fostering cohesion, diversity, and connectivity within our community."

Hacken, since its inception in 2017, has evolved into a trusted security partner for over 1500 blockchain-based projects, collaborating with industry leaders across various sectors, including DeFi, blockchain protocols, centralized exchanges, Web3 gaming, and traditional enterprises.

With its strategic goal of evolving into a publicly listed company in the future, Hacken's tokenization of equity sets a new precedent in the crypto investment landscape, blending digital assets with real-world value and offering investors a unique opportunity to be part of Hacken's journey towards greater success and innovation.