TWEX Tag World Exchange

TWEX Tag World Exchange

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Tag World Exchange平台是一个众筹平台,允许投资者使用以太坊网络提供的智能合约,为新公司投资。该平台还将提供与每家公司相关的所有可用信息(他们的网站,他们的文件和任何其他相关信息,使潜在投资者了解预期的产品)。
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
Crowd Sale
2月, 2018
4月, 2018
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
目标 184 819 500.00 USD
184 819 500.00 USD
  • 1 TWEX
    0.3 USD
平台, Cryptocurrency, 媒体, 能源, 慈善机构, 娱乐, 健康, 零售

关于 TWEX Tag World Exchange

我们正在创造一个创新的加密货币群众借贷 平台将有助于投资者变得更加流动。所有的人群 资金和人群借贷平台使用户能够投资 资金。但是,当投资者需要现金时会发生什么,因为 生活的不可预知的原因?他们通常发现自己被困住了 并突然被捆绑钱。 我们在泰格世界交易所(“TWEX”)已经把我们的主要目标定为 创造一个独特的生态系统,使其用户能够购买,出售 和/或在他们需要的时候交易他们的投资,或者希望他们能够投资 安全的方式! 标签世界交易所(“TWEX”)将是一个颠覆性的平台 以创新的方式推动人民币贷款市场的变革 使用以太坊协议和一些开源工具提供的 区块链技术:

  • 加密货币“TWEX Token”投资于注册公司 并在TWEX平台上使用专门的服务,如(财务 审计报告,社交媒体营销,IT支持和法律 文档)
  • 智能合约管理自动执行投资 和利润条件
  • 先进的硬件钱包,以确保身份验证 我们用户的投资过程


Key Features & Unique Selling Proposition of Tag World Exchange

Tag World Exchange platform is an Innovative crypto-currency based crowd-lending platform offering transparency and liquidity to the investors as well as the funded company.

  1. TWEX Tokens are non-inflationary and are based on real world economies.
  2. An e-Wallet connected to a hardware wallet (TWAL) provides maximum security for your investments. TWEX enables investors to have a clear view of their investments in a fraud free environment.
  3. TWEX Platform abides by Anti Money Laundering (AML) policies to prohibit & actively prevent money laundering and any activity that facilitates money laundering or the funding of terrorist or criminal activities by complying with all applicable requirements under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and its implementing regulations.
  4. TWEX platform allows investors and companies to come on a single platform with investments done on a portfolio rather than a single company and so enables investors to manage risk accordingly.
  5. The investor module allows investor with proper KYC to invest on the platform and trade further his smart contract and TWEX tokens.
  6. The company module allows companies with proper credentials to get listed on the platform and raise funds to be used for company growth and thus increase revenue and profits.
  7. TWEX Tokens can be acquired in Bitcoins, Ethereum’s, US Dollars, Euros, Swiss Francs, Australian Dollars, New Zealand Dollars and Pounds.
  8. The trading module allows trading of TWEX tokens as well as the smart contracts. Value components of smart contracts may be traded individually.
  9. Smart contracts based on block-chain technology enable investors to benefit from Capital Reimbursements and Profit Payments along-with receiving a part of the net Profit generated by the payment of all Funded Companies of 1% of their Gross Sales.
  10. Funded companies may trade or buy issued contracts on their behalf if so required, in so providing a maximum flexibility to funded companies.



  1. TWEX或标记世界交换平台是一个交易平台,它建立在三大支柱上 - TWEX平台b。 TWEX令牌c。 TWEX硬件钱包(TWAL)
  2. TWEX 建立在12个主要模块上;投资者/投资模块,钱包开户模块,公司注册,公司注册,公司注册,公司注册,公司注册,交易模块,设置,审批模块,报告模块和帮助,关于我们,AML&信息模块。
  3. 根据区块链技术,分布式分类帐智能合约对投资进行注册。
  4. 该系统内置强大的批准报告系统,受强反洗钱策略约束指导</strong >帮助和视频。
  5. 配置设置为系统提供了灵活性和可扩展性。
  6. TWEX平台使用具有Apache服务器的REST完整API Web服务作为中间件,PHP使用服务器端功能,并将JavaScript用于前端功能以获得更好的用户体验,并使用HTML,用于用户界面开发的CSS。
  7. AWS云已被集成为一个容器,以便于从任何地方存储和检索任何数量的数据。网站和移动应用程序,企业应用程序以及来自物联网传感器或设备的数据。
  8. 该平台的未来主义观点是在开放源代码基础结构集装箱化环境中托管相同内容,以赋予强大,安全和可扩展性</li >
  9. 令牌是基于ERC20的,它定义了一组需要满足的规则,以便接受令牌。
  10. TWEX硬件钱包(TWAL)安全设备命名为TWAL,供用户使用,以便在平台上进行离线访问并免除他们的钱包/帐户风险。
  11. </醇>


  • 2017年7月

  • TWEX白皮书
  • 2017年10月

  • 样机Hadware钱包
  • 2017年12月

  • Twex平台首次发布
  • 2018年1月

  • 令牌Crowdsale
  • 阅读更多
  • 2018年2月

  • 硬件钱包Alpha版本
  • 二零一八年第二季

  • Twex平台最终版本
  • Quarter 2, 2018

  • Twex Platform Final version
  • 2018年第三季度

  • 硬件钱包最终版本
  • Quarter 3, 2018

  • Hardware Wallet Final version

TWEX Tag World Exchange 球队

验证 76%


Amal Sharma
CEO and Director
Tapan Das
Chief Technology Officer
Ajay Sharma

20 ICOs

$69 399 372

Nathan Christian
Business Development Director
Aamir Kadri
Information Technology Head
Tuba Shaikh
Web and Android Developer
Saman Shaikh
Web Developer
Sohini Majumder
Gabrielle Menezes
Legal Assistance
Vaibhav Tendolkar
Marketing & Public Relations
Sweety Dixit
Graphic Designer & 3d Animator
Amit Sharma
3D& VFX Artist
Naina Jude
Public Relations
Anisha Jaichandran
Human Resource Manager

11 ICOs

$2 759 175

Sean Brizendine
Blockchain Sepcialist


$8 400 000

Dr. Anthony Souza
CEO of Blockchain Campions


$2 786 020

P.b Stanton Esq
Crypto Currency Lawyer


验证 71%


Christophe Ozcan
Blockchain Technical Advisor
Remy Ozcan
Blockchain Financial Advisor
Yuriy Habarov
CEO of Avalanchain
Annemieke Dirkes
CEO of Blockchain Projects BV
Anouche Karaman
CFO of Swiss International Financial Advisors Ltd.
Gerard Van De Par
Strategy Consultant
Rohan Handa
Venture Creation Manager

TWEX Tag World Exchange 面试

Amal Sharma
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Awesome finally a Crypto currency with payback potential
Tapan Das
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I'm the Chief Technology Officer and owing the TWEX project in terms of project development, technological and infrastructure requirement. Heading the India development and implementation team.
Ajay Sharma
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Nathan Christian
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
End to end ICO management / Blockchain technology consulting
Aamir Kadri
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Responsible for overall development of software platform.
Tuba Shaikh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Working on Dynamic Website and its UI Design Concepts..and looking for the bright future of TWEX platform and hopefully its very soon..!!
Saman Shaikh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I design and develop dynamic websites for our platform.
Twex is a fast,secure and simple exchange crytocurrency platform.
Its going to be the future of cryptocurrency.
Sohini Majumder
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am the go to person for all legal matters whether it is research work on legal regulations related to crypto-currencies and blockchain or drafting the legal documentation.
Gabrielle Menezes
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am working as a legal assistant for the TWEX exchange platform. The scope of this platform is very promising and has great potential!
Sweety Dixit
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Working as a Graphic Designer & 3d Animator
Its a very strong project
Amit Sharma
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Experienced in Graphics Designing, 3d Modeling, visualizer & Video editing skills.
Naina Jude
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Provides voiceover for Instructional Videos for TWEX
Anisha Jaichandran
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Responsible for recruiting, screening and placing workers. Human Resources Managers plan direct and coordinate the administrative functions of an organization.
Christophe Ozcan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I'm technical advisor of this awesome project. I help the team to figure out the potential of Blockchain technology in their business activity.

The idea is powerful because at the moment crowdlending platform doesn't allow you to invest or sell your shares on specific project. Smart contracts will provide easy and instant way to implement that, thanks to Blockchain technology.
Yuriy Habarov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Amal and his team are working very hard to bring the project to live, putting software, hardware, marketing, communication and all other bit and pieces together in order to achieve an unprecedented success.
Anouche Karaman
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Great idea!
Gerard Van De Par
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
A great way to finance innovation and venture and it brings fluidity into investments at the same time.
Rohan Handa
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
An idea with great potential!

TWEX Tag World Exchange 最新消息

5.0 14
ICO 轮廓 视力 活动 潜在 产品 球队


Strengths: existing portfolio of ongoing projects; extensive explanations of risks and crowd lending markets regulations in different countries. Working version of the TWEX platform.

Weaknesses: there are mistakes and typos in the White Paper; the WP written in a confusing way, making it difficult to distill core information. The roadmap has little details and not enough milestones. There are no financial projections and marketing plan.

  • 由于信息更新可能存在时间差异,因此应通过其官方网站或其他沟通渠道验证有关每个ICO项目的准确信息。
  • 这些信息不是投资ICO资金的建议或建议。请自行彻底调查相关信息并决定ICO的参与情况。
  • 如果您认为有任何问题需要纠正,或者您想提交自己的ICO项目,请给我们发送电子邮件。
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