Tubig Blockchain

Tubig Blockchain

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据世界银行统计,全球超过6.63亿人口仍然缺乏改善饮用水源(2017年6月23日)。 Tubig blockchain limited将通过集资(ICO)帮助各国改善城乡供水服务提供和提高部门绩效,Tubig可以满足东欧,中东,非洲,美国等地区的供水基础设施需求,如果没有资金,这个项目是不可能的,我们打算帮助政府和非政府组织代表这个项目执行水务项目,并且在项目执行前达成一致意见。
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
United Kingdom

关于 Tubig Blockchain

How many people have access to clean and safe water? Where do they get it from, and how much do they pay for it? Can the world be a better place if those with access to water sell to those without access cheaply through a decentralized digital currency at a very cheap rate?

Water connects every aspect of life. Access to safe water and sanitation can quickly turn problems into potential. Today, 3 in 10 people lack access to safe water or 2.1 billion, lack access to safe, readily available water at home. More people have access to mobile phone than clean water. We can change this. Let’s work together to make clean drinking water available to all.

Over 663 million people in the world still lack access to improved drinking water sources according to World Bank (Jun 23, 2017). Tubig blockchain limited is poised to helps countries improve urban and rural water supply services delivery and improve sector performance through fundraising (ICO), with the Tubig we can meet the infrastructural needs for water supply in Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa, America e.t.c, this project cannot be possible without funds and we intend to help government and NGO's carry out water projects on there behalf and get paid based on agreement to be reached prior to the project execution. 

Key facts

  1. In 2015, 71% of the global population (5.2 billion people) used a safely managed drinking-water service that is, one located on premises, available when needed, and free from contamination.
  2. 89% of the global population (6.5 billion people) used at least a basic service. A basic service is an improved drinking-water source within a round trip of 30 minutes to collect water.
  3. 844 million people lack even a basic drinking-water service, including 159 million people who are dependent on surface water.
  4. Globally, at least 2 billion people use a drinking water source contaminated with feces.
  5. Contaminated water can transmit diseases such diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. Contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause 502 000 diarrhoeal deaths each year.
  6. By 2025, half of the world`s population will be living in water-stressed areas.
  7. In low- and middle-income countries, 38% of healthcare facilities lack an improved water source, 19% do not have improved sanitation, and 35% lack water and soap for handwashing.

Our team is working on a decentralized digital currency that will enable people to buy safely managed drinkable water, and sanitation services mean drinking water free of contamination that is available at home whenever it is needed.
Essential services mean having a protected drinking water source that takes few minutes to collect water.
Tubig Blockchain aim is to ensure availability and sustainable management of water for all. Tubig Blockchain Limited set the target to:

  1. Achieve universal and fair access to safe water for all by 2035
  2. Take access to clean water from the hands of the elites to the hands of people
  3. Make access to clean water a possible human right.


Tubig Blockchain旨在利用区块链技术的力量与顶级公司合作,通过接受Tubig作为支付手段并使用Tubig加密技术,为那些享有较低特权的清洁水提供清洁水技术。


  • June 2017

  • Birth Of Project "Tubig"
  • August 2017

  • Analysis Of Major Infrastructure Problem
  • December 2018

  • Defrating Of WhitePaper
  • January 2018

  • Company Registration Approved Succesfully in UK
    Kick Starting ICO and crowdfunding strategies
  • 阅读更多
  • February 2018

  • Pre-ICO Opens
    Pre-ICO Ends
  • March 2018

  • Main ICO / Crowd Funding Opens
  • April 2018

  • Main ICO / Crowd Funding Ends
    Listing Tubig coin (TUB) into public exchanges
    Development of Tubig Block Explorer and wallet (with exchanger and miner) for major platforms.
  • May 2018

  • Take Up Water Infrastructure Services around the globe.
  • July 2018

  • Distribution Of Tubig Debit Mastercard

Tubig Blockchain 球队

验证 40%


Aidan Wyatt
CEO & Co-founder
Jonathan Myers
CTO & Co-Founder
Codi Mendez
Marketing Manager
Mary Owens
Sec Analyst
Jamie Dominguez
Engagement Coordinator


验证 0%


Eleanor Hovey
Viswa Apavou

Tubig Blockchain 面试

Aidan Wyatt
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I'm the CO-FOUNDER and the managing director.
Jonathan Myers
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I'm the CO-FOUNDER and the Secretary.

Tubig Blockchain 最新消息

  • 由于信息更新可能存在时间差异,因此应通过其官方网站或其他沟通渠道验证有关每个ICO项目的准确信息。
  • 这些信息不是投资ICO资金的建议或建议。请自行彻底调查相关信息并决定ICO的参与情况。
  • 如果您认为有任何问题需要纠正,或者您想提交自己的ICO项目,请给我们发送电子邮件。
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