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TXAU是TrueGOLD的第一个资产代币。我们预计会有额外的资产支持代币,如TruePLATINUM,TrueSILVER等等 - 所有这些代币都可以在世界各地的交易所上市,以实现高效的全球贸易。您将能够使用TXAU进行金融服务,交易所或在线或实体商务,您还可以将您的令牌兑换为实际的实物金条,不仅可以保护您的加密投资免受市场崩溃甚至美元崩溃,而且您将永远有一种加密货币可以保证您的持股稳定性。
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关于诈骗: = 5061397.0

100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
  • 1 TXAU
    0.22 USD

关于 TrueGOLD

As peer to peer transaction on blockchains are quickly becoming one of the most popular payment solutions of the future, no current digital token is eligible of becoming the default payment vehicle in the crypto world. Thousands of tokens defectively lack valuation, stability and versatility, hurting the payment and circulation of ecosystems of most blockchains. TrueGOLD Token (“TXAU”) was designed and created to address those problems. TXAU offers a unique solution by extending gold’s exclusive characteristics and stacking them with financial properties. Due to its rarity, longevity, density, malleability and lust, gold had been accepted as an asset that backs fiat money for centuries. Even after 1971 when the U.S. abandoned its “Gold Standard,” gold remains a valuable asset that serves as a precious metal and real money until today. GoGoldio (“GGIO”) is the company and team that will facilitate, issue, manage, and store the TXAU through the use of gold bullion with the blockchain as a transaction platform. GGIO aims to integrate product design, interest alignment, and market dynamics to promote TXAU’s acceptance by all market participants as a base digital token for investment, payment, exchange, and value preservation that most fiat money and cryptoassets cannot offer due to the constraints they face. Furthermore, with a well-planned collaboration scheme, TXAU is positioned to soon be one of the main base currencies that provide connectivity, arbitrage, hedging and more. Each TXAU is backed by 1 gram of Gold in terms of value and is transacted through the blockchain so that its minimum value is supported by the gold price and secondary transactions can be carried out with a high level of efficiency, confidentiality, and security. In order to help pay for the maintenance costs and other efforts aimed at building the Ecosystem and ensuring that it thrives, each gram of gold will have a 10% premium on top of sold spot price. The latest information on premium fee can always be found on our website located at []. Premium fee is incredibly beneficial to the Ecosystem, as the fee will allow GGIO to continue to pay the costs of the storage and auditing of the gold bullion held in reserve, helping increase the safety and security of the Ecosystem, as well as increase the confidence of TXAU token holders that the gold bullion backing the TXAU tokens does exist and is safe, and providing sufficient resources for all essential mechanisms to make the project thrive. With the potent combination of value preservation and stability at the core of its foundation, TXAU will be used as an instrument for: i) pricing and hedging other crypto currencies; ii) the exchange of goods and services; iii) global payments and remittances, iv) value preservation. Our team envisions having TXAU become the most accepted token in the digital world. With its digital form backed by physical, not speculative, value, TXAU will also be well positioned to become the connecting bridge between crypto and traditional assets.


  • July 2017

  • Idea formed.
  • January 2018

  • Strategic investors committed.
  • April 2018

  • Team created.
  • August 2018

  • Concept born.
  • 阅读更多
  • October 2018

  • White paper published. Deploy smart contract. Token sale planned.
  • October 31, 2018

  • Initial coin circulation.
  • December 2018

  • Platform implementation.

TrueGOLD 球队

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George Lima
Head Gold Trader
Paulo Gonzo
Marco Goncalves

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