Telegram Open Network

Telegram Open Network

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该加密货币于2018年推出,将基于多区块链证明系统--TON(2021年开放网络之后的电报开放网络) - 旨在承载新一代加密货币和分散式应用程序。
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
  • 1 GRAM
    0.5 USD
平台, Cryptocurrency

关于 Telegram Open Network

TON Blockchain
At the core of the platform is the TON Blockchain — a scalable and flexible blockchain architecture5 that consists of a master chain and up to 292 accompanying blockchains. Below are some notable design choices that allow the TON Blockchain to process millions of transactions per second.

Infinite Sharding Paradigm
To achieve scalability, TON has built-in support for sharding: TON blockchains can automatically split and merge to accommodate changes in load. This means that new blocks are always generated quickly and the absence of long queues helps keep transaction costs low, even if some of the services using the platform become massively popular.

Instant Hypercube Routing
TON blockchains use smart routing mechanisms to ensure that transactions between any two blockchains will always be processed swiftly, regardless of the size of the system. The time needed to pass information between TON blockchains grows logarithmically with their number, so scaling to even millions of chains will allow them all to communicate at top speed.

Proof-of-Stake Approach
TON uses a Proof-of-Stake approach in which processing nodes («validators») deposit stakes to guarantee their dependability and reach consensus through a variant of the Byzantine Fault Tolerant protocol. This allows TON to focus the computing power of its nodes on handling transactions and smart contracts, further increasing speed and efficiency.

2-D Distributed Ledgers
TON can «grow» new valid blocks on top of any blocks that were proven to be incorrect to avoid unnecessary forks. This self-healing mechanism saves resources and guarantees that valid transactions will not be discarded due to unrelated errors.

TON Platform
As a multi-blockchain project, TON requires sophisticated network protocols — such as the TON P2P Network used to access the TON blockchains6 — that can be reused to give a significant boost in flexibility to the platform. The following components are scheduled to be released after the TON Blockchain core and will further increase the potential uses of the TON infrastructure.

TON Storage
TON Storage is a distributed file-storage technology, accessible through the TON P2P Network and available for storing arbitrary files, with torrent-like access technology and smart contracts used to enforce availability. This component not only enables storage services akin to a distributed Dropbox, but also paves the way for more complex decentralized apps that require storing large amounts of data, such as Youtube — or Telegram.

TON Proxy
TON Proxy is a network proxy/anonymizer layer used to hide the identity and IP addresses of TON nodes. Similar to I2P (Invisible Internet Project), this layer can be used to create decentralized VPN services and blockchain-based TOR alternatives to achieve anonymity and protect online privacy. In conjunction with the TON P2P Network and TON DNS, TON Proxy can make any service, including Telegram, effectively immune to censorship.

TON Services
TON Services provides a platform for third-party services of any kind that enables smartphone-like friendly interfaces for decentralized apps and smart contracts, as well as a World Wide Web-like decentralized browsing experience.

TON DNS is a service for assigning human-readable names to accounts, smart contracts, services, and network nodes. With TON DNS, accessing decentralized services can be similar to viewing a website on the World Wide Web.

TON Payments
TON Payments is a platform for micropayments and a micropayment channel network. It can be used for instant off-chain value transfers between users, bots, and other services. Safeguards built into the system ensure that these transfers are as secure as on-chain transactions.


  • 可扩展的无限分片:TON区块链可以自动分割和合并以适应负载的变化。
  • 快速hybercube路由:TON区块链使用智能路由机制,确保任何两个区块链之间的事务处理将始终迅速处理,无论系统大小如何。
  • 赌注协议证明:TON使用一种Proof-of-Stake方法,其中处理节点(«验证器»)存放利益,以保证其可靠性并通过拜占庭容错协议的变体达成共识。
  • 2-D分布式分类帐:TON可以«增长»在任何被证明是不正确的块顶部的新有效块以避免不必要的叉子。




TON Storage是一种分布式文件存储技术,可通过TON P2P网络访问,可用于存储任意文件,具有类似torrent的访问技术和用于强制实施可用性的智能合约。

TON Proxy是一个网络代理/匿名者层,用于隐藏TON节点的身份和IP地址。

TON Services为任何类型的第三方服务提供平台,为分散式应用和智能合约提供类似智能手机的友好界面,以及类似万维网的分散式浏览体验。

TON DNS是一种为帐户,智能合约,服务和网络节点分配人类可读名称的服务。

TON Payments是小额支付和微支付渠道网络的平台。


  • Q3 2013

  • Launch of Telegram Messenger and the Telegram API
  • Q2 2015

  • Launch of the Bot API and Platform
  • Q2 2017

  • Launch of the Payments Platform
  • Q2 2017

  • Start of the development of TON
  • 阅读更多
  • Q1 2018

  • Launch of Telegram External Secure ID
  • Q2 2018

  • Launch of the Minimal Viable Test Network of TON
  • Q3 2018

  • Testing and security audits of TON
  • Q4 2018

  • Deployment of the stable version of TON. Launch of Telegram Wallet
  • Q1 2019

  • Creation of TON-based economy in Telegram
  • Q2 2019

  • Launch of TON Services, TON Storage, and TON Proxy

Telegram Open Network 球队

验证 100%

Nikolay Durov
Co-founder, CTO
Pavel Durov
Co-founder, CEO
Aliaksei Levin
Vitalik Valtman
Arseny Smirnov
Client C++ Engineer at Telegram
Lead Backend Engineer at Telegram
Android Engineer
iOS/Swift Engineer at Telegram
Cross Platform Developer
Backend/Frontend Engineer
iOS/Swift Engineer at Telegram
Infrastructure Architect at Telegram

Telegram Open Network 最新消息

5.0 13
ICO 轮廓 视力 活动 潜在 产品 球队

ICO review website

There are already tons of large players in the market, ranging from banking wallets (CitiPay) to Fintechs (PayPal, Venmo). TON has direct competitors across different services the company would like to build  from messaging to decentralized VPN services.
As of Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, it\u2019s also in several large Blockchain projects, including Ethereum, immediate roadmap.

The main product risk for TON is that many of the services have already been introduced by competitors and therefore might gain significant market share by the time TON launching its services. As WhatsApp and Facebook messenger already have large market shares among western countries, it might be hard for the project to expand its market share in western countries. All TON services are now only concepts and the characteristics of the final system may ultimately be very different from those claimed in WP, especially in terms of network bandwidth.

In this regard, it is not clear which direction of the development will be the main focus at early stages. There is no data on the evaluation of economic effects of each of the indicated areas. The given cost distribution is not detailed and only highlights the use of funds. The price per customer might be significantly lower than $40 for WhatsApp, as there are many customers of Telegram among countries with oppressive regimes. That is why the valuation of the company is arbitrary. Since the outlines of the TON and Telegram projects are very diffused, this can eventually lead to the fact that not the ICO participants, but the founders of Telegram will be the main beneficiaries of the sale process. The collected funds will finance Telegram roadmap, which is in fact closely related to TON, but still a different project.

At the moment, the whole project team is involved in Telegram. Despite the fact that TON and Telegram are strongly interrelated projects, their development should be separated.

Ian Balina

Telegram, right, this one, in my opinion, is not a good ICO.

Midgard Research

Our rating for TON is 8 due to its strong project-fundamentals. However, TON is good for flipping only for investors who succeed in getting in at its early stages (cheaper than $1 per TON). The team is planning to fix the price near ICO level by using their reserve fund (52% of tokens) in the future, so we think flipping will not be a good idea at the late stages of the ICO. Moreover, as mentioned above, the amount of money to be raised looks excessive.

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