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SuiPad is The Premier Launchpad for Tier 1 Projects on Sui, the first permissionless Layer 1 blockchain that cater to the next billion users in web3. We aim to bring you the next blue chip on Sui.
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据

关于 SuiPad

SuiPad is a community-centric premier launchpad for innovative blockchain startups on Sui network. Our flagship product is the SuiPad launchpad, an IDO launchpad that allows community to participate in early-stage token sales for stringently vetted Tier-1 projects. With the official partnership with MystenLabs, our unique curation process and industry access enable us to offer the best new projects in Sui blockchain.

SuiPad will introduce decentralized project launch, $SUIP token staking and governance voting to the Sui ecosystem.

Currently in the market, most launchpads/IDO platforms do not have protection in place to safeguard users' principal capital against volatility when investing in newer crypto projects, making it an extremely high risk activity for IDO participants.

At SuiPad, we have engineered an Insurance feature to protect the user's principal capital. For example, if a user buy the IDO round of a launchpad project, the user can choose to add 15 % of invested funds to buy insurance. The insurance fee will then be sent to the SuiPad Shield Pool. The SuiPad Shield Pool will then cover any potential loss of the user's principal capital for the next 7 days - on the 7th day since the IDO launch, if the average peak price is lower than the IDO price, the SuiPad Shield Pool will cover the differences to the user, so the user's principal capital is well protected. On the other hand, if the project does well, the user's return will be infinity% - 15% paid in insurance costs.


  • Q4 2022

  • Base platform launch: new website, tradable Launchpad UI
    Community Building
    Mass Marketing
  • Q1 2023

  • SuiPad on Tesnet
    Multiple wallet integration
    Tesnet IDO for multiple projects on Sui
    Continuous marketing push and community building
  • Q2 2023

  • SuiPad on Mainnet
    Staking pool and SuiPad Shield
    1st batch of IDO (4 projects)
  • Q3 2023

  • Production of SuiTank first season (8 Episodes)
    SuiTank first season on air
    2nd batch of IDO (8 projects)
    1st Cohort of SuiPad Incubation Program
  • 阅读更多
  • Q4 2023

  • 1st Cohort of SuiPad Academy
    2nd Cohort of SuiPad Incubation
    3th batch of IDO (8 projects)
    Production of SuiTank (second season)

SuiPad 球队

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Joe Wan
Co-Founder & CEO
Daffy Lau
Co-Founder & CMO
David Tilšer
Eva Jirešová
Project manager

SuiPad 最新消息

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