Star Atlas

Star Atlas

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Star Atlas is a next-gen gaming metaverse emerging from the confluence of state of the art blockchain, real-time graphics, multiplayer video game, and decentralized financial technologies. Real-time graphics technology using Unreal Engine 5's Nanite allows for cinematic quality video game visuals. Blockchain technology using the Solana protocol established a largely serverless and secured gameplay experience. Non-fungible tokens obtained and traded within Star Atlas creates an economy that replicates the tangibility of real world assets and ownership.
  • 市场
    ATLAS/WAVES ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
To be announced
MVP /原型
平台, 游戏

关于 Star Atlas

Star Atlas is a massive multiplayer online game that takes place in a virtual gaming metaverse. It is being built on Unreal Engine 5, allowing the game to feature cinema-quality, real-time environments. Star Atlas takes place in a futuristic science fiction setting in 2620, where three major factions have emerged and are competing for resources and control: MUD - humankind, ONI - a consortium of alien races and Ustur - sentient androids.

Star Atlas is a space race that will challenge its players to team up, organize, build, and fight their way into unknown territories. What will start as a group of space ships and a collection of small mining colonies will develop into full-blown civilizations, rapidly iterating on alien technologies and intergalactic diplomacy to explore the ever-expanding universe. Naturally, the goal of the Star Atlas economy is to best align production of goods at scale with both a sense of long-term progression and short-term enjoyment to the players – all while making their collaboration increasingly beneficial to their teammates and faction.

The game combines different genres. It is part strategy in that you have to develop tactical plans of action on how to interact with other players and factions. Part of it is exploration, as the game features an abundance of stars for exploration and exploitation. Since players can travel to and explore these stars independently through first-person flight, it is in part a flight simulation. Lastly, players can mine resources and derive revenue streams from doing so, making it also a role-playing game.

After choosing a faction, players initially start in faction security zones without combat to explore basic gameplay. Later, they can venture out to medium-tier security and open gameplay where combat is possible.

Fundamental gameplay pillars are: * Deep space exploration; * Combat; * Building space stations and ships; * Choosing in-game professions to mine resources; * Forging alliances to scale control of resources.

Assets acquired in the game can later be exchanged for real-world currency.

Star Atlas 球队

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$81 100

Michael Wagner
Chief Executive Officer


$89 940

Danny Floyd
Chief Product Officer
Jacob Floyd
Chief Technology Officer
Pablo Quiroga
Chief Revenue Officer

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