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Snowball combines multiple DeFi protocols to create an interconnected experience. Swap stablecoins, deposit liquidity, or auto-compound liquidity rewards.
  • 市场
  • Pangolin
    SNOB/0XE896CDEAAC9615145C0CA09C8CD5C25BCED6384C ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.0446
    $ 13.75
  • Pangolin
    SNOB/0XC7198437980C041C805A1EDCBA50C1CE5DB95118 ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.2230
  • Pangolin
    SNOB/0XC7198437980C041C805A1EDCBA50C1CE5DB95118 ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.2232
  • Trader Joe
    SNOB/0XCE1BFFBD5374DAC86A2893119683F4911A2F7814 ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.7225
  • Pangolin
    SNOB/0XC931F61B1534EB21D8C11B24F3F5AB2471D4AB50 ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.6851
    $ 115.35
  • Trader Joe
    SNOB/0XE896CDEAAC9615145C0CA09C8CD5C25BCED6384C ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.6667
    $ 38.12
To be announced

关于 Snowball

Snowball is a decentralized protocol on Avalanche that launched in March of 2021. We provide auto-compounding services for liquidity pools on Pangolin and act as an automated market maker (AMM) for stable assets. Our goal is to become one of the premier DeFi projects on Avalanche by offering a diverse set of competitive products.

  • SnowGlobes - Yield farms that automatically compound returns on your liquidity pool deposits.

  • StableVault - An automated market maker (AMM) that allows you to exchange Stablecoins and other pegged crypto assets with low fees and low slippage.

  • xSNOB - Staked SNOB that grants users voting access, weekly revenue sharing, and boosted rewards.

  • NFTs - Purchase or claim official Snowball NFTs.


  • 2021 - Q1
    ✅ Snowball Launch - We launched fairly on March 7th with three auto-compounding strategies.

    ✅ Timelocks & Multisig - These safety measures were included to further secure the protocol and build trust with the community.

    ✅ New auto-compounding strategies - We added 2 new strategies: AVAX-LINK and AVAX-USDT.

    ✅ s3D StableVault - We launched the first stable asset AMM on Avalanche with DAI, BUSD, and USDT.
  • 2021 Q2
    ✅ On-chain Governance - You can now vote on proposals even when you have SNOB in the AVAX-SNOB liquidity pool.

    ✅ Promotional NFTs - We want to recognize and reward our users and community participants with NFTs.

    ✅ PNG auto-compounding strategies - We added 9 new PNG strategies to show our support for the Pangolin community.

    ✅ s3F StableVault - We partnered with Frax Finance to bring Frax stablecoin to Avalanche network and to create a pool between FRAX, TUSD, and USDT..

    ✅ Pangolin Rewards - Add PNG rewards to the SNOB token on Pangolin Exchange - Avalanche's largest DEX.

    ✅ SNOB Staking - xSNOB is live. Stake your SNOB on the staking page

    Partnerships - Our future partnerships will reduce duplicate work, increase specialization, and leverage shared expertise.

    StableVault Lending - As lending protocols move onto Avalanche, we will integrate to increase StableVault APRs.

    Website Redesign - We will continue to push updates and improve our user experience.
  • 2021 Q3
    New auto-compounding strategies - New strategies will continue to be developed as the Avalanche ecosystem grows.

    CEX listing - Upon governance approval, we will have our first centralized exchange listing.

    Governance v2 - We will implement improved functionality to governance and increased security.

    More to be announced - We have more planned that will be announced as the year continues.

Snowball 最新消息

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