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SharkGate ICO
为网站提供无与伦比的黑客保护,并在24小时内运行恶意软件扫描程序。 SharkGate AI(“Deep Sea”)和SharkGate网站威胁防御数据库(“WTDD”)的共同智能用于增强区块链。调整在世界上任何站点发生的每次攻击的内存,并允许分布式网络上的任何站点在重试攻击时生成强响应。它还创建了一个“自适应”规则,该规则在块链的生命周期中发展,作为对威胁的适应,并准备防范未来类似但不可见的攻击。
Main Sale
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
2 000.00 ETH
硬帽子 200 000.00 ETH
Pre Sale
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
rivate sale
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
United Kingdom
MVP /原型
平台, Cryptocurrency, 商业服务, 互联网, 软件, 其他, 通讯, 智能合约, 大数据, 人工智能

关于 SharkGate

SharkGate a UK company that specializes in protecting websites has geared up to build the next-generation of website cyber protection: SharkGate is creating the World’s first blockchain powered Cyber Security solution designed exclusively to protect websites against hackers. SharkGate is taking a new approach that will change website security as the industry knows it and make the next-generation of cyber protection available to all websites worldwide.

As former FBI chief Robert Mueller once said: “There are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked and those that will be” 1 Unfortunately, this quote is becoming more and more apparent, with thousands of websites being hacked every day and data stolen. The key issue is that threat intelligence data is being gathered by government agencies and greedy profit making security companies but not openly shared for the greater good. The unbelievable irony is that hackers are openly sharing their threat intelligence data (e.g. known vulnerabilities, search & exploit scripts, etc) amongst themselves on the dark web.

This current ‘disconnected’, selfishly controlled cybersecurity model simply doesn’t work. Thousands of small businesses are losing their livelihood to hackers that are utilizing the lack of information sharing to their advantage, and getting richer in the process.

SharkGate’s combination of shared cyber attack data integrated with artificial intelligence and the blockchain will provide a community shared threat intelligence database allowing website owners and businesses an infinitely more advanced security solution than currently on offer on the open market. In addition to website owners benefiting from having an infection and hack free website, they will also be incentivized by a tokenomics model to contribute value in terms for witnessed attack data to the distributed network.

Our ‘one-click’ plug-and-play install of a distributed application that protects websites will help us meet our key mission to eliminate existing adoption barriers and create the most advanced community driven threat intelligence system in the industry, easily accessible for all websites.

The SharkGate Ecosystem and the SHKG token will become a new standard used throughout the entire cybersecurity industry to provide website security, privacy and trust. So, join us in taking back the power from the hackers and large corporations and instead, giving it to the billions of people whose websites will be contributing to the next generation of website security!


  • Q4 2013

  • Ideation & conceptualisation of Version 1 of the SharkGate ecosystem
    Detailed research and analysis conducted
    Core team built
    Advisory board formed
  • Q2 2014

  • Security team further assembled
    SharkGate Firewall V1 Release to public
  • Q3 2014

  • Malware removal service OneHourSiteFix created by SharkGate and released to public
    Malware scanner AI created.
    Further growth of Security team
  • Q4 2014

  • Massive growth of 7000% in 3 years.
    Became one of the top 3 website malware cleaning and protection services.
    Released SharkGate firewall version 2 (centralized) to the public. Including:
    Enhanced AI’s based on big data analysis and findings
    Thousands of new innate rules
    Adaptive rules that learn and customise for each site
  • 阅读更多
  • Q3 2017

  • Genesis - SharkGate version 3 (blockchain powered security).
    Initial data gathering, our security experts use data provided by version 2 and learnings from protecting thousands of sites to form the next generation of website security.
  • Q1 2018

  • Partnership created for firewall/malware services for one of the largest legal organisations in
    Europe. Numerous website hosting partnerships for SharkGate version 2 established.
  • Q2 2018

  • Whitepaper created for SharkGate Verson 3 (blockchain powered security).
    Website launch for ITS to fund the speed of growth required to match the worldwide cybersecurity crisis.
    Product architecture development and testing.
  • Q4 2018

  • R&D integrate Oracle sources feed and start indexing into Website Threat and Attack Database (“WTAD”).
    R&D developing API integrations to WTAD and testing.
    SharkGate version 3 (blockchain powered security) prototype beta test - 10,000 sites.
    SharkGate token crowd sale
  • Q1 2019

  • FIRST LAUNCH - SharkGate version 3 (blockchain powered security) full launch to Wordpress sites as plugin delivered from the official Wordpress plugin site. Wordpress websites make up more than 30% of the web
  • Q2 2019

  • FULL LAUNCH - SharkGate version 3 (blockchain powered security) plugins available to all CMS’s and custom websites. Enabling the ability for SharkGate Version 3 to have protect any website on the internet
    API now available to WTAD.
  • Q3 2019

  • Further Expansion & Global Dominance.
    Aggressive marketing in current markets to strengthen the market leader positions.
    Attain parternship deals with large hosting solutions. Such as AWS and Rackspace (both currently have no offering for website malware removal, scanning and subsequent protection).
    Attain partnership with Google (linked to Google safe browsing). Agreement with Google for sites using SharkGate to obtain score enhancements in search placements in Google search results.
  • 2020

  • Further worldwide expansion,
    Become a household name for Cyber protection. If you need your website protected think SharkGate

SharkGate 球队

验证 0%


Jonathan Morrissey
CEO & Founder
Marc Robertsq
CTO & Co-Founder
Tomi Kervinen
COO & Co-Founder
Ivana Polonijo
Head of Operations
Juan Camera
Senior cybersecurity / Blockchain developer
Petra Devlic
Business Development Manager
Arjay Lzo
Regional Support Manager
Nikola Jocic
Senior Cybersecurity / Blockchain developer
Jayson Florez
Regional Support Manager
Frank Valdezand
Sales & Marketing
Aljosa Kotur
Lead Malware Removal Engineer, Firewall Expert
Olim Amanbaev
Lead AI For Cyber attacks
Carlos Soto
Regional Support Manager
Catherine Lazaro
Customer relations manager
Gustavo Camera
Lead Malware Removal Engineer, Firewall Expert
Filip Novosel
Sales & Marketing


验证 0%


Rakesh Parmar
Jonathan Mcguinness

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