Red Pulse

Red Pulse

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红脉是涵盖中国经济和资本市场的市场情报平台。该公司使用机器学习和自然语言处理来自动化和扩展基础数据收集,同时结合了隐私来创建一个开放和透明的共享经济研究。最终,Red Pulse旨在解决我们今天面临的所有问题:信息超载。
10月, 2017
10月, 2017
100% 完成
$15 000 000
100% 目标 完成

关于 Red Pulse

红色脉冲是一个事件驱动的市场情报平台 涵盖中国的金融市场,为客户提供了 上下文来做出明智的商业决策。我们雇用机器 学习中文自然语言的过程,除了 传统的研究实践来帮助解决问题 信息超载。我们开放的内容是“研究生态系统” 能够扩大研究过程的广度和覆盖范围 通过采用独立分析和区块链技术 一个“共享经济的研究”。



  • 2015年第二季度至2017年第二季度

  • - 推出基于网络的实时中国金融研究平台 - 包括全球资产管理公司和顶级投资银行在内的50家机构客户 - 中国市场新闻通讯拥有50,​​000多名订户 - 网站改进:改进了用户界面,基于SOLR的分面搜索,创建和保存可定制的内容提要iOS移动应用程序:双语英文/中文内容,内容分享和改进搜索 - 与彭博,汤普森路透社,标普Capital IQ和FactSet金融终端的合作与整合 - 基于机器学习的市场事件数据收集原型,分类和转换平台
  • 2Q15 – 2Q17

  • - Launched web-based real-time China financial research platform- 50 institutional clients including global asset managers and top investment banks- China markets newsletter has 50,000+ subscribers- Website improvements: improved UI, SOLR-based faceted search of tags, create and save customizable content feeds- iOS mobile app: bilingual English/Chinese content, content sharing, and improved search- Partnership and integration with Bloomberg, Thompson Reuters, S&P Capital IQ, and FactSet financial terminals- Prototype of machine learning-based market event data collection, classification, and transformation platform
  • 3Q17

  • - 入选埃森哲Fintech创新实验室亚太区RPX令牌白皮书发布 - RPX令牌销售和分销
  • 4Q17

  • - 开始开发Python / Django平台以取代现有平台 - 继续改进基于机器学习的数据分类和转换流程 - 创建研究报告标准模板+发布工具包 - 开发和发布Android版本的移动应用程序 - 房子区块链开发人员和NEO社区开发人员 - 雇用关键人员
  • 阅读更多
  • 1Q18

  • - 启动新的Python / Django平台 - 跨Web平台,移动应用程序,终端和电子邮件新闻稿同步定制研究/见解反馈 - 微信微型应用程序开发 - 开始通过NEO区块链和NeoContract将RPX标记集成为货币化机制 - 开始开发Cloud Event数据馈送,基于机器学习和NLP算法生成的关键字和主题构建 - 修复与新平台协调的移动应用程序(iOS和Android) - 为现有平台内容和数据启动客户端API,作为高级服务
  • 2Q18

  • - 基于RPX的平台beta测试 - Cloud Event数据馈送beta测试集成 - 市场数据馈送集成 - 替代数据合作伙伴和集成 - 与财务顾问,资产经理,经纪商及其各自的在线/移动应用程序
  • 3Q和4Q18

  • - 推出基于RPX的新型开放式研究平台 - 全面整合云事件数据馈送 - 开始为高端客户开发基于人工智能的智能助理 - 将研究范围扩展至亚太地区 - 股票监视列表和多个投资组合跟踪功能以及“跟踪“投资组合 - 开始开发B2B市场和商业智能引擎,以进行定制分析和洞察
  • 2019

  • - 基于开源RPX令牌的区块链,允许其他联盟金融服务和平台与Red Pulse平台整合 - 研究范围扩大到北美和其他剩余市场 - 在主要金融中心城市(上海,香港,新加坡,东京,首尔,法兰克福,伦敦,纽约) - 为机构客户推出B2B可定制的市场情报引擎 - 利用基于人工智能的洞察力和分析工具,利用从客户群中积累的历史用户活动数据作为培训集 - 其他教育机构在我们积极参与的市场中培养金融和投资素养 - 与基于区块链的身份安全平台合作,确保隐私和Red Pulse平台上的私人,半私人和公共信息的控制 - 以促进研究和信息分析社区的创新为主要目标 - 开始开发基于人工智能的智能助手,帮助识别,保存,检索,评估和分析用户的相关公共信息


Red Pulse 球队

验证 0%


Jonathan Ha
CFA Founder, CEO
Stanley Chao
CFA, CAIA Co-founder, Head of Data Science
Peter Alexander
Co-founder, Non-executive Chairman


验证 0%


Tanfeng Cheng

Red Pulse 最新消息

5.0 14
ICO 轮廓 视力 活动 潜在 产品 球队


Red Pulse is a Chinese company that is well understood by Chinese investors.
The company is established since 2015 with revenues from institutional clients, making it more advanced than most ICOs out there.
The company is well positioned to benefit from the rising economy of China, especially in the news industry where information is opaque in China.
Red Pulse is trying to solve a genuine problem – information transparency in China. If successful, Red Pulse can be the leader in a very large market.
The company has a strong team and advisors.

Since this is the first ICO on the NEO platform, the security risks are higher than normal. When large sum of money is involved, hackers will look into the smart contract to exploit loopholes and try to steal funds.
Red Pulse announced that they will not accept any contributions from Chinese. As Red Pulse is raising fund through NEO, which is a predominately Chinese platform, this change is going to hurt the demand for the ICO to a certain extent.
The business and technology have nothing to do with blockchain. The idea doesn’t really need blockchain to work. The benefits of using cryptocurrency as explained in the white paper, for example, 1) allowing users to run a tab to minimize transaction fees, and 2) building a community, aren’t very good reasons.
Unlike most of the other tokens, there is a 10% per year inflation in RPX, half going to existing RPX holders, and the other half going to content producers. So effectively, there’s a 5% inflation for token holders.
The open research platform will not be launched for another year (ETA 2018Q3-4).

Overall, I am neutral about both the short- and long-term potential of this ICO.
Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For short-term holding [edited after the Chinese ICO ban]
Neutral. This company is one of the more established one that I have seen so far. However, after the Chinese ICO ban, it may be difficult for exchanges to list RPX after they are traded. Binance had an agreement to list RPX but it is unclear now that Binance is one of the ICO platforms affected by the Chinese ICO ban. We are waiting for updates from Binance and/or Red Pulse.
Size your bet accordingly because as mentioned above, this is the first ICO on the NEO platform. So the security risks are far higher than the usual ICOs on Ethereum or Waves platform.
For long-term holding:
Neutral. The token system is very new, especially in the China market. It is uncertain that Red Pulse can pivot from their current model of receiving subscription fees from institutions to a model that’s catering more to the mass market. Unlike institutional investors, the retail investors aren’t used to paying for data.


Red Pulse is a Chinese financial information platform launched in 2015. The platform is currently used by global asset fund managers and Fortune 500 companies worldwide. However, Red Pulse believes they can benefit from cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. The company is releasing Red Pulse Tokens, or RPX, during their ICO in September. You can purchase RPX tokens using Neo tokens.

Tokens will be used to incentivize content development on the platform. The currency will also be used to enable frictionless transactions.

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