Pulsar Venture Capital ICO

Pulsar Venture Capital ICO

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Pulsar Venture Capital是一个国际早期的风险投资基金和启动加速计划,在俄罗斯喀山设有主要办事处,在都柏林,爱尔兰,硅谷,加利福尼亚,迪拜,阿联酋和新加坡设有投资其ICO的ICO现有的投资组合,并形成一个新的基金,部分目的是在区块链投资。 Pulsar VC投资初创企业,提供全球和跨地区机会,专注于区块链/加密货币,IT,硬件和先进材料的颠覆性公司。 Pulsar VC在UBI Global的2016年俄罗斯国际加速计划中获得了第一名。
100% 完成
$15 628 725
52% 帽 完成
30 000 000.00 USD
硬帽子 50 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 PULSAR
    1 USD
Isle of Man

关于 Pulsar Venture Capital ICO

Pulsar风险投资公司(“Pulsar VC”)宣布ICO,这是一个令人咋舌的投资渠道,为技术创业公司提供投资和流动资金。 Pulsar Venture Capital是一个国际初创风险投资基金和创业加速计划,在俄罗斯喀山设有总部,在都柏林,爱尔兰,硅谷,加州,迪拜,阿联酋和新加坡设有办事处。 Pulsar VC投资初创企业,提供全球和跨地区商业机会,专注于区块链/加密货币,IT,硬件和高级材料的颠覆性公司。 UBI Global于2016年在Pulsar VC运营了一项在俄罗斯被评为第一名的国际加速计划。该计划吸引了来自东欧的顶尖公司,Pulsar VC通过业内专家,导师,顾问和投资者的业务发展和筹款提供种子基金和广泛的支持。 Pulsar VC的众筹使命是给合格的购买者一个机会,让他们能够利用Pulsar VC的交易流程投资于最好的早期阶段的创业公司,这是一个经过验证的VC投资级别尽职调查模型,由Pulsar VC团队在全球合作伙伴和投资者网络的帮助下。 所有参加Pulsar VC大会的参与者将根据居住国家的法规和法规进行预先认证。 Pulsar令牌(“Pulsars”)是流动性的,可以在公开市场进行交易。令牌购买者将从Pulsars所有权中受益,因为投资组合公司的退出和/或股息分配所得将用于回购Pulsars。

Pulsar Venture Capital ICO 球队

验证 100%

Pavel Korolev
Managing Partner, Founder
Alexander Savchenkov
Yuri Rabinovich
Dmitry Shaposhnikov
Investment Director, Head Acceleration Program
Sergei Mitrofanov
Investment Director, Portfolio Business Developmen...
Ilia Karas
Investment Director, Portfolio Product Development
Gadir Shiraliyev
Investment Director, IR & Corporate Relationships
Ivan Drobyshev
Head of PR and Marketing


$15 633 160

Leonard Grayver


验证 100%

Marvin Liao
Jeffrey Paine
Bril Wang
Paolo Borella
CEO & Co-founder at Vertical
Eamonn Sayers
Igor Agamirzyan
Jordan Wahbeh
Alexandra Johnson


$15 628 725

Bill Reichert
Voytek Siewierski
Dmitry Mozhaev

Pulsar Venture Capital ICO 面试

What is the purpose of the ICO?
The purpose of the campaign is to raise funds to acquire a 50% interest in the existing Pulsar Venture Capital portfolio and invest in 30+ new early stage startups from Eastern Europe in Blockchain/Cryptocurrency, IT, Advanced Materials, and Hardware startups that will participate in the upcoming Pulsar VC accelerator programs. Pulsar VC’s team and mentors help the companies with their product, business model, fundraising and go to new markets such as US, Europe/UK or Asia. Pulsar VC will invest additional funds in the top performing companies and help them raise funding from more investors by increasing their capitalisation and ultimately sell their business to strategic buyers for the highest price possible. At the same time Pulsar VC also plans to invest in promising startups from its network that are not a part of its acceleration program.
What is the mission of Pulsar VC Accelerator?
Pulsar Venture Capital was established in 2009 and launched Pulsar VC Accelerator program in 2013. Pulsar VC Accelerator was quickly recognized as #1 accelerator in Russia by UBI Global in 2016. Pulsar Venture Capital Accelerator mission is to help early stage startups build successful global companies through continuous support of the companies with mentorship, funding, business development and resources through successful exits. Our mission is to make the world around us better and more interesting.
Why do startups need an acceleration program?
Early stage startups need funding, expertise and resources to succeed in growing their business. The accelerator program increases the value of the companies in a short period of time through mentorship, coaching and the right product development based on experts and customer feedback. Pulsar VC works with best mentors, experts and advisors from around the globe who help the participating startups during 6 months program in Kazan, Dublin, Silicon Valley and their target markets.
How do you choose startups for the accelerator?
Hundreds of early stage companies apply to Pulsar VC accelerator every year. Our team, mentors and advisors perform the selection, due diligence and choose the best companies. 10-15 companies get accepted to the acceleration program each year and receive $100K initial investment per company. Once graduated, top companies will receive follow-on investment of up to $2M from Pulsar VC as a lead investor and help syndicate more funds from partner investors.
How will you invest the funds raised in ICO?
First $1.75M will be used to acquire a 50% interest in the current Pulsar VC portfolio. The rest of the funds will be invested in top companies in the portfolio and 30+ new startups in IT, Blockchain, Advanced Materials and Hardware through Pulsar Accelerator program and other promising startups that are not a part of our acceleration program. A full list and description of the existing portfolio companies is set out in the White Paper and on this site.
What is the value of each startup in accelerator?
The average initial valuation of each of the startups in the accelerator program averages $1M where Pulsar VC acquires 10%-15% shares. However, many of the past graduates have already raised additional funding that reflects a higher valuation. Pulsar VC has an existing portfolio of companies that includes companies where Pulsar VC invested after other leading accelerators and alongside some of the leading venture capital funds.
What returns can these companies offer to investors?
Pulsar VC Accelerator reputation as #1 accelerator in Russia and global expertise attracts best startups and talent to apply to the acceleration program and allows to invest in startups at a lower valuation than US, Asia or Europe/UK. The planned exit valuation for startups is $10-100M within 5-7 years on average. The potential acquirers are large companies that need a service, technology or a product developed by the startups to increase their competitiveness in the market.
How will investors in ICO make money?
The ICO offers everyone an exciting opportunity to become a venture capital investor in fast growing early stage startups. There will be two ways to receive returns on the investment:
Pulsar VC will buy back the Pulsar tokens at market price every time an exit of one of the portfolio company takes place or a portfolio company makes dividend distributions.
Pulsar token holders may sell the Pulsars on the secondary market to other investors.
What is the minimum investment and what currencies are accepted?
During the ICO, Pulsar tokens will be sold for cryptocurrencies and each token will be equivalent to USD $1.00. Minimum investment will be equal to 1 ETH. The most popular crypto currencies accepted are bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).
How do I participate in the ICO?
The ICO will last for from October 30, 2017 until November 29, 2017, during which time potential token purchasers will be able to submit an application for any amount of Pulsar tokens at https://pulsarico.com. They will then receive an address to which to transfer funds from their cryptocurrency wallet.
What income will Pulsar VC receive?
5% of the funds collected during the ICO will be used to pay for the ICO expenses. VC’s management fee will receive an annual management fee equal to 3% of the funds collected during the ICO for a period of five years. Pulsar VC will also receive a 25% success fee from successful dispositions of portfolio investments, as discussed in more detail in the White Paper.
Who should invest in Pulsar VC startups?
Everyone who wants to invest in early stage startups through Pulsar VC. Great opportunity to diversify your investments by investing in a portfolio of IT, Blockchain, Advanced Materials, and hardware startups. The secondary market would allow you to sell your Pulsar tokens and enjoy the increasing value as portfolio companies exit and Pulsar VC buys back the Pulsar tokens.

Pulsar Venture Capital ICO 最新消息

5.0 8
ICO 轮廓 视力 活动 潜在 产品 球队



Strengths: portfolio of startups and partners, very strong team, proved Accelerator Program.

Weaknesses: no roadmap, no marketing strategy, no competitive analysis. The ICO doesn’t look like 100% necessary option.


Pulstar Venture Capital offers new tokens so that investors can participate in the growth of the company as it extends its projects internationally. More details about Pulsar Venture’s ICO can be read via the company’s whitepaper that can be found on the brand’s website.

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