The Fintank Blockchain Summit 2018

2018年10月12日 回到新闻稿

On Friday, Oct. 19th Chicago's FinTech Community keeps things going with the
2nd Annual Blockchain Summit which will be held at the Historic Union League Club. 

Last year we set the standard with the best content and had over 400 in attendance,  (Here's a short video clip: )

This year we've notched it up a level with Financial Industry legends that include; Terry Savage, Richard Sandor, and Dennis Chookaszian, in addition, we'll hear from major firms that are making a difference in the blockchain space; IBM, Accenture, KPMG, E&Y, Northern Trust, BMO, Barclays, Discover Financial Services, Oracle, Argonne Labs, along with panels of VC's and startups in the blockchain space.

Here's a link with more:  
You can attend the event live or watch the live-stream and recording.