Michael Noel

Certified Blockchain Professional, Co-Founder and CEO Blockchain Consultants, Facilitator Blockchain Weekly, Storecoin
United States
About Michael Noel
You Can’t Sail Today’s Boat on Yesterdays Wind – Michael Noel - CEO and CoFounder Blockchain Consultants Blockchain Weekly Host - Blockchain technology is moving, morphing and changing so quickly that it’s challenging to keep up with, even for those of us who work with the Blockchain. Even some of the most popular narratives and explanations of blockchain are somewhat dated and misleading. So how should we move forward, and what are the real advantages behind the green curtain of the blockchain. As a technologist, publisher, entrepreneur, and Blockchain professional, I look to demystify and simplify the process of Blockchain Implementation. I’m a well-rounded leader in the areas of business development, product development, technology management, and operations. Passionate about building companies with scalable technology. I am a big fan of the lean startup, so I am always looking for a new MVP. Specialties: Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Cyber Security, SEO, SEM, Social Media, Social Media Syndication, Web Development, PPC, CPA, CPM, Philanthropy, Network Architecture, Information Technology, IT, Big Data, Graph Processing, Micron Automata Processor, Disruptive Technologies, Disruptive Innovation, Growth Hacking and Connecting the Dots! **All statements, shares and posts by me online (including on LinkedIn) reflect only my personal views and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer or any other natural person or entity. Statements, shares or posts by me online (including on LinkedIn) are not intended to be, and they do not constitute, legal advice or investment advice.
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