Lionello Lunesu

Co Founder at Enuma Technologies
Hong Kong
About Lionello Lunesu
I'm an engineering lead and community organizer with EE and CS background and 20 years of international industry experience doing software and hardware. Having worked on a wide range of projects, in startups and multinationals, I’ve accrued broad expertise in areas such as virtual reality, e-commerce, cloud computing, IoT, and blockchains. I'm now applying those skills to develop elegant solutions to difficult problems. I'm active in the local maker communities, having been a staff member in China's first makerspace Xinchejian since its founding. I teach Arduino, electronics, and programming, as well as hosting spaghetti bridge competitions and soldering workshops. I’ve lived in Eindhoven, Bucharest, Beijing, Shanghai, recently moved to Hong Kong. In 1997 I founded a virtual-reality software company, acquired by a multinational company for our real-time 3D rendering technology.
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