Cedric Maloux

CEO at StartupYard Accelerator | Startups Advisor
$ 4,621,056
Projects Raised
Czech Republic
About Cedric Maloux
I have been running Internet startups during the good and bad times of the Internet economy since I created my first website in 1996, a French community portal. I graduated with a Master of Science in Computer Sciences with a speciality in Artificial Intelligence but was in business and sales during my whole career. When I don't work on my own projects I advise startup founders on how to grow their business either by refining their business plan, prepare them for fund raising or advising them on growth hacking techniques. I excel at tuning business plans, defining product and market entry strategy, positioning, psychology, and e-business models. Get in touch if your startup needs a boost. I boot-strapped one company and sold it, saved 2 companies from bankruptcy. Grew one startup from an idea to millions of users. I raised Series-A with Index Ventures and Mangrove Capital Partners. In 2011, Facebook elected Geewa's Pool Live Tour as the 2nd best game in the Sports category. In 2007 As one of the most ambitious and technically sophisticated browser extensions of its time, AllPeers won awards from prestigious publications such as PC World, Wired and CNet and was heralded by TechCrunch as the “killer app” for Firefox. In 2002, Gay.com UK received the NewMediaAge Awards in the Consumers Websites category (runners up: The Guardian, The Observer). I am a regular public speaker.
  • Stevens Institute of Technology
    • Master of Sciences
    • Computer Sciences
  • EPITA: Ingénierie Informatique
    • Master of Science Eq
    • Artificial Intelligence
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