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MUNDO is a blockchain-based open world fantasy MMORPG F2P & P2E game where anyone can earn tokens through grinding and skilled pvp gameplay.
To be announced
平台, 游戏


MUNDO is a blockchain-based open world fantasy MMORPG free to play, play to earn game where anyone can earn tokens through grinding and skilled pvp gameplay. Player can grind 24/7, battle, raise pet companion, raid bosses, hunt for rare NFT's in-game and so much more.

​The main goal is to provide people with a safe and trustworthy place where they can use their token for rewards and buying or selling of NFT's.

  Mundo token is a Game-based community token developed mainly to create a safe haven for game lovers. The main goal is to provide people with a safe and trustworthy place where they can use their token for rewards and buying or selling of NFT's.   As a gaming community developed token, they focus on the needs of our game lover community members. Mundo is an upcoming next level blockchain game aimed at bringing cryptocurrency and smart contract-based protocols to the mainstream. The platform utilizes the Binance Smart Chain for transactions, giving unprecedented flexibility and speed. BSC is the most advanced blockchain solution for smart Contracts that allows low fees and fast transactions. They offer Gaming with no human or corporate entity in the intermediary. The system is secure, and the software and transactions have been shown to be fair and reliable. It's easy to conclude why Mundo Token is the future of the gaming business when you consider how easy it is to earn money by participating in Mundo game or by selling or selling NFT's.



MUNDO focuses on merging the gaming industry with cryptocurrencies  by establishing an ecosystem controlled by users that enables them to  transact both ways through the MUNDO token, allowing gamers,  investors, and content producers to earn money while immersed in a  unique environment.

MUNDO token is in the crypto space to tear down boundaries in the  gaming industry by allowing players to trade inside the game using the  Mundo Crystals and to trade on the Mundo NFT Marketplace website  allowing them to convert their Mundo Crystals, buy/sell and  rent/auction in-game NFT's . Players can sell things they've discovered,  produced, or earned in the game to each other here.

MUNDO is free to play, and will enable players to make money as they play, because of the innovative token metrics and tax structure!



  • 2021 Phase 1 Q3

  • Game Idea and Concept✔️
    Core Team Hiring✔️
  • 2021 Phase 1 Q4

  • ✔️Whitepaper
    ✔️Website Launch
    ✔️Social Media Launch
    ✔️Gameplay Trailer Launch
    ✔️Community Growth
    ✔️Team Expansion
    ✔️First Batch Partnerships
    💎​Seed Round
    💎​Private Round
    💎​Strategic Round
  • 2022 Phase 2 Q1

  • 💎NFT Marketplace Launch
    💎NFT Airdrops
    💎The Generation Event
    💎CEX Listing
  • 2022 Phase 3 Q2-Q3

  • 💎​Staking
    💎​Private Land Sale
    💎​Public Land Sale
    💎​Top Tier CEX Listing
    💎Mundo v1 Sandbox Version
    💎Mundo v1 PvP Arena Release
  • 阅读更多
  • 2022 Phase 4 Q4

  • Mundo v1 RELEASE💎


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Joel Garcia
Thierry Rosete
​faouzi Dahoua
Denver Asence
Creative Director
Paul D
Blockchain Dev

MUNDO 最新消息


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