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关于 Monetran

Monetran项目的主要目标是开发一种稳定的令牌,可用于日常商业,包括5美元或更少的小额支付。令牌的设计不仅要保持其价值,还要随着时间的推移稳步增加价值。它将由有形资产组合作为后盾,并可兑换一部分账户,以反映流通中的代币数量。将来,它将享有Monetran系统提供的服务折扣。简而言之,这个标记–叫Moneda–将提供加密货币所需的所有功能,以便被视为互联网交易的受欢迎的交换媒介。 Moneda基于令人难以置信的快速Stellar网络,将享受平台提供的所有优势,包括低成本交易,快速安全的转移以及从一种货币到另一种货币的转换。未来的计划要求建立一个资金转移网络,主要强调汇款,目前这个汇款的全球市场价值接近6000亿美元并且还在增长。

Monetran 球队

验证 67%


Don Bielak
Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan Fuller
Director of Finance & Marketing
Daina Behe
Social Media Manager
Nadia Chilmonik
Application Development
Dave Olszewski
Chief Technology Officer
Ron Robinson
Chief Information Officer


验证 33%


Gbolahan Onadeko
System Development Advisor
Patricia Walterick
IT Advisor
Strategic Alliances Advisor

Monetran 面试

Don Bielak
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the founder and CEO of Monetran. I truly believe that we have created the "Holy Grail" of cryptocurrencies. Our native token, Moneda, will be developed on the lightning fast Stellar network, which will give us access to that innovative platform and all that it provides. Moneda will be redeemable - something that no currency has been since the end of the gold standard nearly a half-century ago. Once completed, Monetran will offer swift, economical transfers of money on a global scale. It will enable all manner of Internet payments and should become the preferred medium of exchange due to its stability, value, and scalability, which will enable micropayments, even those of less than $1. In addition, Monetran will be SEC compliant and available to both U.S. and foreign investors. Visit our website and read our whitepaper and the supporting evidence on the site. It will be worthy of your time.
Jonathan Fuller
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Working to create SEC-compliant financial literature along with strong pricing structure to penetrate the market while allowing for company growth. Focused on blockchain tech that is truly capable of handling e-commerce and international transfers. This token will be unique. This concept is the first in many years to elicit such a strong investment from me in the crypto market.
Daina Behe
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Moneda, built on the Stellar network, is designed to reward investors and to enable fast, economical transactions of any amount, even those under $1.
Patricia Walterick
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
IT advisor including blockchain development, website development, SEO and marketing.
Ron Robinson
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Crypto fan and dedicated miner.

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