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Messari is the industry’s leading market intelligence company focused on the digital asset ecosystem. Our tools and research solutions provide customers with actionable insights to confidently make decisions in the fast-moving crypto asset space. Since our inception in 2017, we’ve built strong relationships with the industry’s top thinkers, investors, and builders from today’s most promising projects.
To be announced

关于 Messari

Messari provides market intelligence that drives high-conviction participation in the crypto economy.

We help professionals, builders, and communities navigate web3 by providing world-class tools and intelligence. Founded in 2018, Messari is the leading provider of crypto market intelligence products that help professionals navigate crypto/Web3 with confidence. We bring transparency and smarter qualitative and quantitative analytics to the industry by combining a global research database with a comprehensive suite of data visualization and asset discovery tools. We help drive smarter participation in crypto from individuals and institutions alike.

Messari brings transparency to the cryptoeconomy. We want to help investors, regulators, and the public make sense of this revolutionary new asset class, and are building data tools that will drive informed decision making and investment. We believe that crypto will democratize access to information, break down data silos, and ultimately give everyone the tools to build wealth.

Our team is an exceptional crew of industry experts and creative problem solvers. Our backgrounds span a diverse landscape of fields including mathematics, public service, economics, engineering, finance, linguistics, urbanism, philosophy and art.

Messari 球队

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Diran Li
Head of Engineering
Emily E Coleman
VP, Marketing
Eric Turner
VP, Market Intelligence
Florent Moulin
Director, Product
Brent Gerundo
Head of Finance

Messari 最新消息

  • 由于信息更新可能存在时间差异,因此应通过其官方网站或其他沟通渠道验证有关每个ICO项目的准确信息。
  • 这些信息不是投资ICO资金的建议或建议。请自行彻底调查相关信息并决定ICO的参与情况。
  • 如果您认为有任何问题需要纠正,或者您想提交自己的ICO项目,请给我们发送电子邮件。
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