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Leading liquid-staking platform supporting Solana decentralization. Use $mSOL across the DeFi ecosystem.
  • 市场
  • Kraken
    MSOL/USD ] 1,Inf [%count%个月前
    $ 27.39
    $ 253.39
  • Kraken
    MSOL/EUR ] 1,Inf [%count%个月前
    $ 27.99
    $ 0.0087
  • Coinbase Exchange
    MSOL/USD 一年前
    $ 13.99
    $ 104.588 K
  • BitMart
    MSOL/USDC 一年前
    $ 31.48
    $ 32.114 K
  • Serum DEX
    MSOL/SO11111111111111111111111111111111111111112 一年前
    $ 59.40
    $ 5.779 K
  • FTX
    MSOL/USD 一年前
    $ 53.55
    $ 610.176 K
  • Serum DEX
    $ 52.96
    $ 3.427 M
  • Serum DEX
    $ 88.33
    $ 266.28 K
  • Serum DEX
    $ 52.06
    $ 273.12
    MSOL/ETH ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 110.61
    $ 54.857 K
    MSOL/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 110.37
    $ 67.321 K
  • Serum DEX
  • Serum DEX
    MSOL/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 93.97
    $ 134.832 K
  • Serum DEX
    MSOL/SOL ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 93.69
    $ 375.417 K
  • Serum DEX
    MSOL/USDC ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 94.17
    $ 3.04 M
To be announced
MVP /原型


Marinade.Finance is a non-custodial liquid staking protocol built on Solana. You can stake your SOL tokens with Marinade using automated staking strategies and receive "marinated SOL" tokens (mSOL) that you can use in decentralized finance (DeFi).

The price of mSOL goes up relative to SOL each epoch with rewards being accrued into the underlying staked SOL.

You can withdraw your SOL at any time by unstaking and waiting for the unlock period (1-2 epochs) or immediately with a small fee (see our FAQ). You can also directly exchange between mSOL and SOL on secondary markets at the current rate.

What are the benefits of staking SOL?

Blockchains use consensus protocols in order to validate transactions in a secure and decentralized way. We won't dig deep into the technicalities, but you will find a good explanation of staking in the Solana documentation.

When you stake (lock) your SOL tokens to a validator, you are helping to secure the network and participating in the decentralization of Solana. In return for locking your SOL, you receive rewards in SOL.

For the decentralization and the security of the Solana blockchain, we need as much SOL as possible staked to efficient validators. With the growing number of use cases for SOL in DeFi, a fair amount of SOL is still not staked and used daily in DeFi.

Marinade offers you the possibility to stake your SOL in exchange for mSOL that you can use in DeFi while still enjoying the staking rewards. The SOL that you are staking with Marinade is spread among more than 450 validators, excluding the so-called "security group" (top 25 validators). Validators are chosen by our transparent, permissionless formula and automatically rebalanced.

Marinade DAO

First of all, Marinade DAO (mDAO) is an open kitchen. Radical transparency is one of our main values; anyone can come and see what we are cooking. You are also free to contribute to the project (and get rewarded!), just join our Discord and engage with us.

The other way of joining the mDAO is by owning MNDE tokens. These are governance tokens that will represent your voice on the future of Marinade.

Marinade has already onboarded community members to actively contribute to the project. By joining our mDAO, you can participate in the discussions, voice your opinion on any matter, and vote on important decisions, but you can also get involved in the development of our kitchen.


When doing what we're doing, we come back to the following set of values:

  1. Radical transparency. At Marinade, we believe in the blockchain movement. Technological transparency with data and learnings accessible to everyone with an extremely quick feedback loop is rapidly speeding up the evolution of humankind. That's why we are gradually opening up everything from financials, system dashboards, and ongoing projects to the code base. Open-source rules the world. This also applies to our social layer - we welcome every open, honest individual to join our kitchen.
  2. Be a no-ego doer. Marinade was born out of a merger of different teams aligned with the same vision - to fully democratize liquid staking on Solana. We're thinking about what's best for Marinade's vision, putting egos aside while always trying to find the best solution no matter who brought up the idea. We also prefer to go and get stuff done. Deliver. Perfect is the enemy of good, quite often.
  3. Work smarter, not harder. You know the story about the woodcutter being so busy cutting the trees that he does not have time to sharpen his saw? Well, we put focus on sharpening the saw, improving the way we do things at Marinade step by step. We aim to work the system, not to be a fire killer.
  4. Collaboration over competition. We believe in positive-sum games in a collaborative environment. We've reserved enough space in Marinade to meet and welcome more bright minds that will join us to cook collectively in our open kitchen. We prefer this over wasting resources on keeping things secret and trying to outsmart others.


Let's highlight the main benefits of staking your SOL with Marinade:

  1. Full control over your tokens and associated accounts
  2. Unlock your stake, receive a tokenized version of your position, and use it in DeFi
  3. Open-sourced, permissionless delegation formula with more than 450 validators
  4. Stake and delayed unstake with no charge
  5. 6% fee on your rewards
  6. Native Solana community and contributor-driven governance

What can you do with Marinade?

  • Stake SOL (and unstake anytime) or become a liquidity provider to the SOL-mSOL pool.
  • Explore additional DeFi yields on top of staking using your tokenized stake positions.
  • Earn your position in the Marinade DAO and participate in governance by using Marinade.


  • 2021 Q1

  • Participate in Solana x Serum DeFi hackathon
    Build a localnet MVP/prototype of liquid staking for Solana
    Team up with Smart-pool, another hackathon project
  • 2021 Q2

  • Decide on bootstrapping the project without any VC money or token sale
    Create an internal redemption stableswap pool allowing immediate unstake
    Build 0%-fee delayed unstake option to operate with NFT-like unstake tickets
    Rewrite the Marinade program into the Anchor framework
    Grant support from Serum and the Solana Foundation
    Launch Marinade on devnet and gather community feedback
  • 2021 Q3

  • Code audit (1/3) - Neodyme team code review
    Launch Marinade on mainnet
    Change program governance to ecosystem multisig
    Code audit (2/3) - audit by Ackee Blockchain
    AMM mSOL integration (Raydium, Orca, Saber)
    Reach 2M SOL staked
  • 2021 Q4

  • 👷 Marinade governance token (MNDE) launch with a liquidity mining program
    👷 Code audit (3/3) - audit by Kudelski Security
    👷 Retroactive claim for MNDE
    👷 Advance typescript Marinade client for easier integrations
    👷 Documentation update
    👷 Marinade referral program
    📋 Grow the product team
    📋 Public Marinade KPI dashboard
    📋 Grow the contributors team
    🤹 Establish NFT team
    🤹 Form incentivized community events
    🤹 Create Community committee
    🤹 Increase customer support/moderator coverage
    🤹 Establish ambassador team
    🤹 Polish Community working group onboarding process
    🤝 Describe and open a Marinade Partnership and Partner onboarding process
    🤝 Onboard Tulip and Step
    🤝 Transition liquidity mining from weekly to bi-weekly to the monthly cycle
    🤝 Integration of the referral program by Solflare
    🤝 Integration of the referral program by and
    🤝 DeFi protocols and NFT projects treasury staking
    Creation of a Communications work group
  • 阅读更多
  • 2022 Q1

  • 🤹 Community
    🤹 Revamp Discord roles and Marinators role
    🤹 Self-driven support team
    🤹 New community event organizers (picked by the Community Committee)
    🤹 Community events on a weekly basis
    🤹 Community bounties
    🤹 Meme team
    🤹 Finalize processes between Community/Communications/Partnerships work groups
    👷 Build
    👷 Website & app redesign
    👷 Improve delegation and rebalancing strategy
    👷 Improve delayed unstake feature (reduce time needed)
    👷 Go open source (backend)
    👷 Go open source (frontend)
    👷 Create a MNDE locking tool for governance
    👷 Explore MNDE vested packages
    👷 + Marinade NFT project
    👷 Explore MNDE buyback programs
    👷 Explore Automatic Treasury Management
    👷 Explore Tribeca Governance and veMNDE and Gauges
    👷 Wallet integrations
    🤝 Partnerships
    🤝 Listing mSOL on Pyth
    🤝 Listing mSOL on Chainlink
    🤝 Onboard NFT marketplaces (mSOL denominated)
    🤝 Re-negotiate existing liquidity mining to follow Marinade Partnership
    🤝 Open liquidity mining planning to mDAO
    🤝 Experiment: Protocol-controlled liquidity
    🤝 Referral program case study
    🤝 Wallets tight integration
    🤝 Governance launch
    🤝 NFT in governance launch
    🤝 NFT on secondary markets
    🤝 MNDE purchase - Through Marinade NFTs
    📋 Operations
    📋 Reach 10M SOL staked
    📋 Revisit onboarding and MNDE team allocation guidelines
    📋 Set up working group budgets and overall executive team budget connected to DAO that grants the budgets
    📋 DAO stats (protocol fees, expenses, treasury value)
    Achieve multiple mentions and sourcing of Marinade Finance in largest, thought-leading Web3 media.
    Refine brand strategy and messaging and then amplify (SOL decentralizing trailblazer, security, mass of partnerships)
    Refine, update and expand docs to onboard more users
    Explain and promote MNDE tokenomics & utility 球队

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Michael Repetny
Partner, Marketing
Roman Sumin
Marco Broeken
Partner, Infrastructure
Amir Cohen
Lucio Tato
Partner, Technology
Lautaro Cutri
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