关于Loci Coin Loci设想创新民主化的未来。 个人和小团队的启发发明者应该有 平等获得新技术和经济发现 像任何大公司一样受益。目前的全球发明 系统风险大,混乱,昂贵,限制了进展 创新速度。 Loci经历了这个系统的缺陷 直接获得自己的专利。 Loci的InnVenn平台将彻底改变专利搜索和 发现过程,同时大幅度削减禁止 发明者的成本,以及使知识分子的工作 房地产研究人员,律师和开发人员要简单得多。该 每年不成功的R& D罐都会浪费数万亿美元 重新投入进一步创新。随着应用 区块链到我们的平台,我们可以保证任何人都可以捍卫 他们对知识产权的权利。这是与这个愿景 Loci期望LOCI硬币的功利价值增加 随着时间的推移。 Loci社区将加速新的出现 技术,并可以赋予新一代发明家权力。
- 知识产权发现和采矿平台。
- 在以太坊区块链上占有IP的所有权并出售 知识产权资产交换。
- 公司拥有知识产权组合,包括其自己授予的实用程序 专利。
- copmpany结合区块链技术,机器学习, 和预测分析来创建众包的R& D 平台。
- 网络效应。结合新的用户发现的想法与 现有技术通过使用预测分析 能够识别所有可能的演绎发明 可以分解。
源代码:  产品的代码不可用。 开发者证明:公共团队。
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With the amount of ICOs to choose from, there are better choices than Loci for investors. There are too many risks to consider this as a potential investment.
Cash Grab: From my reading of this project, it appears as though Loci is having a token sale as a way to obtain funding, not because a token is a needed part of their project. This likely means that they have had difficulty in obtaining conventional venture capital funding, and saw an ICO as an easy way to raise money. If the venture capitalists have stayed away – maybe small investors should as well.
Lack of Traction: This kind of project only works when everyone is using the platform. If only a few investors sign up to use Loci – the project will fail. In that sense, it is very high risk, as the current system is entrenched and people will be loath to give it up (despite its many flaws).
Loci is a blockchain platform that aims to help inventors find invention opportunities. The company’s existing platform, InnVenn, is a web application consisting of a Venn diagram generator. That platform generates Venn diagrams highlighting the crowded and un-crowded spaces in the world of patents. Inventors can find “whitespace” where they can develop new patents.