Korona (Korona Token)

Korona (Korona Token)

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Korona Coin是一种基于欧洲的密码,专为购买商品和服务的真实,广泛和日常使用而设计。它得到了新的高效转移技术和复杂的生态系统的支持,包括各种银行和商业服务。科罗纳将在加密经济与现实经济之间建立缺失的联系。
60 days
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
平台, Cryptocurrency, 教育, 零售

关于 Korona (Korona Token)

全球有数百种加密货币以数十亿美元的市值进行交易。尽管如此,这个巨大价值的大部分目前仍然是“不可融资的”。除非它被转换为法定货币,这可能会给整个经济带来损失。 加密经济与真实的日常金融和经济世界无关。 






Implementing a new payment technology - Korona Instant

The Korona payment framework will use lightning network based technology solution for transfers. Compared to currently existing payment processes this will enable significantly faster transaction times at significantly lower costs. 

Korona API for existing e-commerce stores

To accept Korona token payments easily, the Korona system will provide a digital payment platform, that can be easily integrated into any third party online store platform available. 

Free webstore frames for businesses

Equipped with Korona API, modern, freely accessible and usable complete webstore platform frames will be provided for businesses. 

Korona Market

A new integrated own Korona e-commerce market platform will be built, where users will find a wide range of products and services from third party webstores, that would otherwise not accept cryptocurrency payments. The Korona Market will function with an incorporated and automated drop shipping system. Users will be able to pay with Korona, however merchants will receive fiat money, if they desire. Naturally products from Korona API using businesses will be also integrated and offered.  

International price comparison system

A special price comparison feature will be added to the Korona Market to enable users to compare and purchase the same, or similar products and services cheaper, if needed, from other countries, using Korona’s drop shipping program. 

Smartphone payments in real shops

Lightning network technology solutions make real time payments realistic. Korona users will be able to use their smartphones to effect instant contactless payments in shops.   

Korona Cryptobank

An integrated cryptobank will support the services of the Korona Ecosystem. Apart from providing fiat money to business users, Korona’s cryptobank will also provide commercial banking offerings, such as conditional and unconditional guarantees and L/C’s.

Korona business wallets

Business users will have the option to register their wallets officially. Additionally, business users will have special features to support their accounting and tax reporting tasks and requirements. 

Korona commerce platform

External service providers will be able to safely and easily connect to the Korona platform, enabling such synergies as the creation of token-integrated invoicing programs, inventory-registration programs, consumption tracking as well as inventory re-ordering systems.

Korona merchant marketing support

A special web-based marketing feature will assist business users in promoting their products and services on Korona’s platforms. 

Business taxation information support

Information support on taxation rules will be provided to business users by internationally recognized and licensed tax experts. FAQs and best practices will be also shared.  

“Volatility tempering” mechanism  

Alltogether 10% of the Korona tokens create a special flexibility reserve mechanism. Among other Korona cryptobank related tasks, this reserve shall be partially available for reducing short-term volatility, intending to lower the negative effects of short term hectic movements, that may cause potential risks and significant uncertainty in the daily usage of tokens for our users.


Korona令牌是未来与公用事业令牌功能相关联的货币令牌,可实现广泛的无摩擦交易,同时还可作为交换媒介和价值存储。 Korona令牌可用于购买商品和服务。 

为了以更低的成本实现更快的交易,同时为了实现商店中的实时非接触式智能手机支付,基于Lightning Network的技术解决方案将支持Korona令牌传输。 

Korona令牌基于分散的以太坊市场标准智能合约ERC20令牌。该界面的标准化为这类其他代币的交换所提供了简化的接受,我们期望不会少。 ERC20接口将扩展为允许在ICO期间和之后所需的附加功能,以便可以购买,出售或交易Korona令牌。

Korona令牌持有者将能够以多种方式跟踪他们的资产– ERC20的另一个优点。这些资产可以在多个平台上使用,这意味着几乎所有支持以太币和ERC20令牌的钱包都可以通过设计支持Korona令牌:您可以自由选择像Mist,Jaxx或MyEtherWallet这样的钱包,甚至是我们自己的Korona钱包实施



  • Certain elements of the Korona Ecosystem have been already realized, while remaining features will be developed in continuously till Q3 2019. For further details please visit our website.

Korona (Korona Token) 球队

验证 78%


Jean-Marc Stiegemeie...
Head of Management
Attila Bustya
Chief Technology Officer
István Lőrincz
Systems Engineer
Gábor Hajdu
Legal Expert
Robert Balázs
Head of Market Development
Felicia Flóra Kovács
Head of Communication
Roxana Ionescu
Program Coordinator
Zsolt Kolumbán
Head of Sofware Development
László Simon
Financial Consultant


验证 100%

Dr. Trinh Anh Tuan

Korona (Korona Token) 面试

Attila Bustya
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The idea of Korona Coin is to create a new kind of economy, crypto economy 2.0.
My role in this project is to manage all the technology related tasks.
István Lőrincz
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a systems engineer and quality assurance manager, I oversee all the technical development that is being performed by the Korona Coin team in order to guarantee the best performance, safety and experuence to our users.
Gábor Hajdu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
"a cog in the machine"... :)
It is really a pleasure to work with this fantastic team.
We have the opportunity to learn a lot from Jean-Marc Stiegemeier, who is really a visionary and true leader. He doesn't go for the low hanging fruit...
This is a realistic project, which will bring the European Common Market in the world of the digital economy.
Robert Balázs
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Head of Market Development
Roxana Ionescu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Collaborate with Korona Coin team to set and implement strategies to ensure ICO and supporting initiatives are accomplished on schedule and to the highest standard.
Zsolt Kolumbán
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the leader of the Korona Coin software development. Our team has been involved in software development for more than 15 years, during these years the main area of interest has been online gaming. We are running many integrated online payment systems with millions of successful real money transactions.
László Simon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
A new, complex commercial, financial and banking crypto ecossystem will be game changer. Only such a system can connect the real world with the benefits of blockchain payment systems.
Dr. Trinh Anh Tuan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Dr. Tuan Trinh, Advisor to the Project.

Korona (Korona Token) 最新消息

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  • 这些信息不是投资ICO资金的建议或建议。请自行彻底调查相关信息并决定ICO的参与情况。
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