Toshendra Sharma

$ 326,007,041
Projects Raised
About Toshendra Sharma
I am the Founder & CEO of RecordsKeeper, a Blockchain-based Record Keeping & Data Security Company. I also teach Blockchain technology online and offer consultancy to enterprises globally on Blockchain implementation & use cases. RecordsKeeper is a decentralized public ledger technology (Blockchain) to add trust, audit-ability, & verifiability to any type of enterprise data & records. It works as a decentralized middleware or database between storage layer & service layer to ensure verifiability and integrity of any type of data. The whole solution works on existing enterprise infrastructure through a peer-to-peer network. Technology can be used as either private Blockchain (on-premise) or public Blockchain (open peer-to-peer) network for open & transparent record keeping. Please contact me at for any further query on the technology. Before co-founding RecordsKeeper in 2016, I founded Wegilant in Nov 2011 while pursuing my Masters from IIT Bombay, India. Wegilant has won NASSCOM Emerge 50 Award 2014. We also got incubation in IIT Bombay's Business Incubator SINE in August 2013. At Wegilant, we have built Appvigil a unique cloud-based Mobile Reputation Protection Suite for businesses & individuals. I also co-founded Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd. in the year 2008. Gradually, I successfully exited the company for admission in IITB.
  • College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand
    • B.Tech
    • Information Technology
    • First Class
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
    • Master of Technology (MTech)
    • Application Security
    • First Class
  • HNIC, Haldwani
    • HIgher Secondry Education
    • Physics
    • Chemistry and Maths
  • RecordsKeeper
    • Founder & CEO
  • Vault0x Wallet
    • Founder & CEO
  • investFeed
    • ICO Advisor
  • See 4 more
  • Robosapiens india
    • Head R&D
  • Appvigil (Wegilant)
    • CEO
  • IIT Bombay
    • IT Security Consultant
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
    • Student