Piotr Smolen

CEO & Co-Founder
$ 700,000
Projects Raised
About Piotr Smolen

Fintech Entrepreneur.

CEO & Co-Founder of Symmetrical.ai - an algorithmic marketplace for financial products. We enable financial service-as-a-code architecture - a completely new way of how the financial services are designed, offered to the consumers and transferred between the investors.

General Partner & Founder of Data Ventures - data-focused, micro VC firm. It is focused on projects which automate processes, eliminate middlemen and reduce information asymmetry within markets to make them more efficient.

In the past founded and served for over 5 years as CEO at Turbine Analytics - a next generation investment information processing company based in Warsaw, Poland. The company achieved a position of the leading SaaS software provider for investment funds and capital markets in CEE. Sold to a strategic investor (ProService Finteco) in a transaction financed by a global private equity fund Oaktree Capital Management. 

Experienced seed stage investor - executed over 10 Seed deals as VC or BA in the last few years.

Associated ICOs