

Created using Figma
A fast and low-cost token built on the Harmony Blockchain.
Freyala ($XYA) is an HRC-20 token centered around integrating cryptocurrency in the form of gamified NFTs and decentralized applications.
  • 市场
  • Defi Kingdoms
    XYA/0XCF664087A5BB0237A0BAD6742852EC6C8D69A27A ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.0098
    $ 2.928 K
  • ViperSwap
    XYA/0XCF664087A5BB0237A0BAD6742852EC6C8D69A27A ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.0097
    $ 807.37
  • Defi Kingdoms
    XYA/0XD74433B187CF0BA998AD9BE3486B929C76815215 ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.0511
    $ 425.31
To be announced

关于 Freyala

Freyala ($XYA) is an HRC-20 token centered around integrating cryptocurrency in the form of gamified NFTs and decentralized applications.

Creating a beginner-friendly means of using crypto.

The idea behind this project is to create a beginner-friendly means of using crypto with the power of low-cost and fast transactions on the Harmony blockchain.

To start, we have launched an interactive app to enter the Freyala world.

Go to battle with your Harmons!



  • The Settlers' Arrival (ICO)

  • Led by Regent Carroway of the monarch, the settlers spent countless years exploring the world of Freyala, before finding the perfect location to call their home. The Freyfolk lived in peace and grew their civilization. After a mining excavation by Payne’s Crew, they uncovered a mystical ore unlike anything else. The regent named these crystals ‘XYA’ and this was the very beginning.
  • XYA Stability Meter (CHART)

  • The monarch soon realized that XYA was a volatile resource. Devising a way to determine the crystals’ stability, they could now observe its current state, as they tried to understand the true power of this mystical ore. This was shown through a ‘Stability Meter’, which updated on regular intervals and could even be used on other resources.
  • Daily Quests for XYA (FAUCET)

  • Regent Carroway desired to continue collecting and studying in the hopes of gaining insurmountable power. With rumors about XYA spreading, the Freyfolk soon divided themselves into two rivalrous clans. The former believed that XYA could be used to create an indescribable utopia with power and advanced technology, whilst the others considered XYA a dangerous weapon that needed to be eradicated.
  • XYA Depositories (WALLET)

  • Depositories for XYA soon were built within the monarch’s castle. Approved by users of the magical arts, Regent Carroway planned to store and use extracted XYA for his own benefit. Villagers also began creating their own small depositories, built in hidden basements and rooms, as smuggling around the ore was highly prohibited.
  • 阅读更多
  • Operations for XYA Extraction (STAKING)

  • After careful planning, Regent Carroway enlisted the help of trusted servants and miners to extract XYA from the mines ‒ much to one of the faction’s disapproval. Illegal extraction operations also emerged, but only for the right price. The monarch’s stash of XYA slowly grew with each passing day, and the regent felt prepared for any conflict that would arise.
  • Sir Reginald (DISCORD BOT)

  • Regent Carroway officially appointed Sir Reginald his butler, who had served the Carroway family for his entire lifetime. Carroway entrusted his loyal butler with all his secrets, handing him the keys to the kingdom of Freyala.
  • The World's Revival (APP)

  • Regent Carroway was determined to start a new era of power and domination for the Freyfolk. Noticing the natural power emanating from the world of Freyala, the regent decided that XYA was the key to understanding these unknown forces and obtaining balance. The settlement was rebuilt and reborn, as the Freyfolk integrated these crystals into their machines, structures and everyday lives.
  • Addictive hazards (CASINO)

  • Opportunists and bandits alike sought out to grow their stashes of XYA, relishing in the power and chaos. Those that wanted this done quickly resulted in wagers and duels ‒ often to the death. High stake games like these were often done in secrecy, away from any involvement from the monarch. An underground corporation named ‘Luderion’ was formed to host these games in secrecy.
  • The Rise of Democracy (ON-CHAIN VOTING)

  • To incentivize the Freyfolk to embrace the power of XYA, Regent Carroway allowed the public to enter a democratic committee. People who held XYA openly were allowed to join this group, then discuss with other committee members and vote for certain proposals. Those with more XYA were deemed worthier in the regent’s eyes, with their opinion being more valuable.
  • Sir Reginald’s Origin (DISCORD BOT STAKING)

  • Apart from his allegiance to the regent, Sir Reginald was also known to help administrate certain wagers for Luderion amongst certain members of the Freyfolk. Those that became wealthy would always reimburse Reginald handsomely, with him even offering his private services for XYA extraction.

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