Fixed Trade Coin

Fixed Trade Coin

Created using Figma
Dynamic block reward
Block reward is based on block height and difficulty so there is no cheap to mine blocks. That’s a good thing for price stability.
  • 市场
  • Graviex
    FXTC/ETH 一年前
    $ 0.0302
    $ 0.1507
  • Graviex
    FXTC/BTC 一年前
    $ 0.0201
    $ 0.1007
  • CREX24
    FXTC/BTC ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.0035
    $ 10.58

关于 Fixed Trade Coin

Dynamic block reward
Block reward is based on block height and difficulty so there is no cheap to mine blocks. That’s a good thing for price stability.

Dynamic masternode reward
Masternode rewards are raising with every new mined block, new coin creation will not suffer from too high of inflation and the market prices can adapt smoothly to raising masternode rewards.

Dynamic masternode collateral
Masternode collateral is raising in time so it is better to start masternode as soon as possible. That’s the great opportunity for early investors and incentive to remain long-term holders.

Dead-lock protection
Very high difficulty is not a problem for FxTC. Difficulty is reduced even when no new blocks are found, new blocks are mined much faster even after very high hashrate period. This prevents “stuck chain” issues.

Instamine protection
Difficulty will raise much faster when rapid hashrate rise occurred. That prevents to mine too much blocks instantly.

Independent algorithm chains
Difficulty for every algorithm is calculated with very small dependency on other algorithms mined so even a small CPU/GPU miners can mine interesting rewards side by side with ASIC/FPGA miners active.

Flexible block spacing
Even when a single algorithm mines the block, spacing is not too wide and transactions are processed smoothly. Blocks for one algorithm are prioritized to mined faster when no other algorithm blocks are mined.

Spork control over block processing
We can slow down or stop any algorithm mining at any time when vulnerability will be exposed or something else will go wrong. In case block or masternode rewards are misscalculated we can temporarily allow slightly inaccurate rewards to be processed as valid. We have full control of block processing without need to wallet upgrade.

Bitcoin Core 0.17 wallet with Dash Core 0.12 features and more
Masternodes, instantsend, privatesend, keepass and other Dash features combined with SegWit, transaction fee updating, blockchain pruning and other great Bitcoin features will be extended with DEX and similar masternode operated applications. That’s all for FxTC to be the best coin to replace fiat currencies and become the world-wide payment method for goods and services.

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