FinTab is an accounting system for cryptocurrency portfolios. Keep a record of cryptocurrencies and analyze the current state of your funds on various exchanges and e-wallets with the help of our system. Besides, we already have a working beta-version of our service.
FinTab is a SaaS product with paid services. The cost for the service for the "Pro" and "Manage" accounts will be fixed in USD, but payment is accepted in FinTab tokens (FNT).
In addition there are other interactions that perfectly complement our system.
P2P interaction: traders could sell the information about their crypto-portfolio through our system. In addition the rating of best traders will be compiled.
Advertising platform: placement and display of advertising will be held decentralized: each user can enable or disable ads. For the ads view the user obtains tokens from the advertisers.
Analytical system and recommendations for trade using Artificial Intelligence.
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Return on investment is based on a constant increase of FNT token rate:
Accordingly, the predicted starting point for the growth of the token rate will be the introduction of paid accounts in the system and the start of the tokens' burning.
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All existing solutions are aimed for a low-engagement audience:
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该平台呼吁加密货币的主流化 接受对他们的评估的机会 目前的财务状况,个别货币的回报, 和整个投资组合。进行最后阶段后 的ICO代币将在交易所和其他交易所自由交易 价值将受市场和用户数量的支配 系统。无论是令牌的价值,成本的 服务将固定在美元,因为服务的付款将只 接受令牌FNT,90%的FNT代币作为付款进入 服务将每月烧毁。固定的服务付款 美元,但付款只接受令牌。
8月3日 - 2017年9月17日
September 2017
9月18日 - 2017年10月11日
October 2017
10月12日 - 2017年11月30日
November 2017
2017年12月10日&ndash; 2018年1月14日
January 2018
一月&ndash; 2018年2月
Q1 2018
三月&ndash; 2018年4月
Q2 2018
可能&ndash; 2018年6月
Q3 2018
六月&ndash; 2018年8月
九月&ndash; 2018年10月
2018年11月 - ndash; 2019年4月
验证 11%
All in all, this ecosystem is a reliable solution for managing and analyzing a crypto portfolio. This system allows the investors to promptly evaluate the portfolio’s existing financial state and determine the profitability of different digital currencies. The system is even used for managing and evaluating personal portfolios and big-ticket investments. Because of all these factors, the value of FinTab and its tokens is all set to rise in the near future.