EMU Project

EMU Project

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整个服务行业的简单解决方案。想象一下,你正在旅行,去了一家餐馆。你不懂这门语言。你没有本地货币。很有可能,你所订购的不是你将得到的。我们为您提供服务行业的革命性解决方案 - 动车组。只需打开EMU应用程序,它将自动加载您的母语的服务菜单。您的EMU账户已经有您的银行卡,加密货币钱包和其他支付系统。你想用加密货币付款吗?不用谢!你不再需要等待员工,面对人的因素。所有你需要做的是在EMU申请。只需点击几下,你会得到所需的顺序。同样使用EMU,您可以选择最近的餐厅,订购客人的时间,地点和人数。留下反馈,分享您的印象,根据评论,照片和EMU申请评论服务。
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
  • 1 EMU
    0.05 USD
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
5 000 000.00 EMU
  • 1 EMU
    0.05 USD
Ukraine, Estonia

关于 EMU Project

EMU项目的开发者设法结合了技术 Blockchane和十五年的服务行业经验。 实际上,我们在餐厅里创造了一个新的生态系统 业务,这将大大简化客户,员工的生活 和餐馆老板。通过安装EMU移动应用程序 用户立即收到有关餐厅的所有信息 菜单:最佳优惠,当前可用性,实际更新 时间。另外,语言障碍问题很容易解决 提供多种语言的菜单,并提供优质的食物和饮料照片 饮料和餐厅的视频评论。 除此之外,一触即发的移动程序可以让你 在指定地区搜索一家餐馆,无需预订餐桌 电话确认,即刻支付一次点击的服务, 用一个特殊的按钮快速给服务员打电话,然后离开或阅读 审查服务的地点和质量。还有一个 选择从您喜爱的餐厅订购送货服务。 有了EMU应用程序,服务员就不用等了 来写你的订单。所有这一切都将发生在一个 几分钟。 对服务的支付也是类似的。给服务员打电话 并用信用卡甚至加密货币支付 点击智能手机上的按钮。不需要挥动你的手, 在整个大厅里尖叫着,等到他们把你带走 纸币。


<强>多语言即可。该菜单有一个多语言和 多币种界面让您切换到方便 语言和付款货币。该菜单以您的母语显示。 有超过50种可能的语言包

<强>倒计时即可。显示直至订单的实际时间 将被送达

整合付款。允许客户 在他们想要的时候付款以及他们想要什么。这可以是银行卡, 支付宝或甚至是加密货币

菜单的实际情况。描述和 菜肴的照片。只有那些用户可用的菜肴 评论和真实照片

集成到社交网络中。鸸 允许您分享照片,评价和评论访问 餐厅在线。 Twitter,Instagram,Viber,Telegram,WhatsApp。 动车组统一社交网络,让客户有更好的表现 选择 评级(Blockchain)。诚实的评级,真实 评论,只有真实的人 - 没有机器人和作弊


  • 2004年

  • 理念和理念建立
  • 2005年

  • 桌面(旧版本)的Alpha版和Beta版
  • 2017年1月1日

  • 全球市场分析
  • 2017年1月25日

  • 设计和建筑
  • 阅读更多
  • 2017年4月22日

  • 项目启动和设计
  • December 1, 2017

  • Pre-ICO
  • 2018年2月1日

  • 启动ICO
  • April 17, 2018

  • Excess to stock market
  • 2018年5月25日

  • 产品阿尔法版本
  • 2018年9月1日

  • 产品测试版
  • 2018年9月15日

  • 软件集成

EMU Project 球队

验证 44%


Vadim Lomakin
Alex Yanovskiy
Andrey Seregin
Bogdan Bondarenko
Executive Director of PR & Marketing
Pavel Karatai
Сhief technology officer
Ivan Sidorov
Smart contracts developer and blockchain enthusi...
Vitaliy Mednai
Smart contracts developer
Mykola Kostyuk
Chief lawyer
Maxim Karatai
Senior Project Manager
Aleksey Salnichenko
Lead Software Engineer
Ruslan Levkov
Javascript Developer
Vladimir Ishukov
Evgen Meshkov
Android developer
Artur Antonyan
Android developer
Dmitry Stasyuk
iOS Developer
Dmytro Kozlov
Software Engineer

EMU Project 面试

Andrey Seregin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
It is revolution :)
Bogdan Bondarenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I'm the executive director of PR & marketing.
So, I am promoting this beautiful project.
Pavel Karatai
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
i will do my best for creating the best project, that will helpful for any user with smartphone.
Aleksey Salnichenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am a software engineer.
Our software allows you to make a purchase or create an order, paying by a credit card, PayPal, cryptocurrency or by dozens of other payment systems, minimizing delivery errors or any other moments related to
the human factor.
Evgen Meshkov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
My job is to make the product as convenient as possible for ANDROID users.
Dmytro Kozlov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am monitoring the software to work without errors.

EMU Project 最新消息

5.0 13
ICO 轮廓 视力 活动 潜在 产品 球队


Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

EMU is a platform that offers a revolutionary service to the service sector as it to bring the communication between a consumer and the service sector into a one level hence eliminating waiting for the waiters to offer the services, errors in delivery of the orders, human factor and delays in the orders.  This is easen by the use of EMU application which can be installed in the customers smart phones using IOs o and Android   and is linked up with many languages, bank cards, crypto currency wallets and other payment system enabling its easy use in all the countries.


Multilanguage: The EMU menu has multilanguage interfaces enabling the users to switch to the convenient language and currency payment. The menu has a variety of native language in one pack which is advantageous to the customers in ordering different dishes from any place within the different counties.

Faster and convenient operations:  The platform enables the customers to know the available dishes in all the institutions around their places and once they have identified these institution the services are faster and convenient as they can easily get their orders served within the shortest period and has no errors associated to misplacement of dishes making the project beneficial to the service industry.

Payment integration: The EMU gives the customers an opportunity to pay for the services offered in the most convenient way for them ranging from credit card, pay pal and other crypto currency systems. This reduces any further cost involved during the transfer making the project viable.

Updated menu: The EMU has only the current dishes photos and descriptions accompanied by customers comments about the dishes enabling the customers to prioritize carrying out the dishes. It is also well integrated with the social media platforms like facebook, twitter, telegram and what sup enabling the customers to have better choices.


The application of the platform requires one to poses a smart phone with IOs or android system so as to conveniently use it. This can be of great disadvantage to the customers who still use Java Scripts limiting its application.


There has been a lot of inconvenicies associated with the delivery of services and getting the desired dishes within a short period of time whenever one travels to other countries. Embracing this project therefore helps in eliminating these challenges as it promotes easy and faster communication between the customers and the service sector improving service delivery.


We really don’t have high hopes for EMU as a mobile service app. While its goal is a positive one – eliminating language barriers for travelers who wish to dine in restaurants in foreign lands – the scope of such an app is so focused and narrow as to make us feel that its user base will simply not be broad enough to support the overall ecosystem.

We have some concerns about the mechanics of the app itself. Regardless of the need for individual restaurants to participate as a partner in this app in order to provide translated versions of its menu, the system would have to be able to integrate with restaurant ordering and point-of-sale systems in order to place orders and then pay for these orders. This is no small task, considering how there’s little standardization when it comes to restaurant payment and order processing.

Additionally, the app has plans for some outlandish features, such as being able to monitor the progress of your meal as it’s being cooked, both through a timer and visually showing the progress of your order being prepared in the kitchen. This is preposterously impractical any which way you look at it, as there are too many variables when it comes to preparing food to have exact timelines. Meanwhile, the idea of having a camera trained on the kitchen is equally preposterous.

We also have concerns with the experience of the development team. With little to show as far as verifiable information on past projects, we don’t know if the dev team has the chops to pull off developing EMU successfully. This issue, plus the others we’ve pointed out, lead us to believe that EMU is unlikely to be a good investment choice.

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