

Created using Figma
With the Discoin, change your approach to online payments with a cryptocurrency natively integrated in a fully digital business environment.
10月, 2019
11月, 2019
100% 完成
$156 000
1% 目标 完成
目标 15 380 000.00 USD
15 380 000.00 USD
  • 1 DSCN
    0.025 USD
8月, 2019
9月, 2019
100% 完成
$156 000
67% 目标 完成
目标 200 000.00 EUR
200 000.00 EUR
硬帽子 23 500 000.00 EUR
  • 1 DSCN
    0.0125 USD
MVP /原型

关于 Discoin

Discodery created the first all-in-one solution that helps all kinds of businesses in their digital transformation.

The Discodery digital solution is an intelligent, assisted and automated tool that allows deploying, without any technical knowledge, a personalized mobile native application (iOS and Android), a custom website and a complete management software.

With this solution, sales, bookings, online payments, coupons codes distribution, instant chat, customer file generation, digital loyalty card creation, task management, employees planning, social media publishing, push notifications, inventory management, SEO optimization… and many other features and just a few clicks away from any business owner.

The solution is distributed as a Software as a Service (SaaS) and is sold as a subscription from Discodery’s website. Discodery has its own sales team, but mainly relies on independent partners (called Discodery Partners) which are remunerated on a per-sale commission basis.

Today, Discodery would like to take advantage of the technological advances offered by the blockchain and cryptocurrency concepts to improve its digital solution, strengthen its security and make life even easier for its customers.

This document aims at presenting the concept of the Discoin, its implementation details and its present and future use cases.


Untraceable payments

Discoin payments are untraceable thanks to a completely anonymous payment scheme implementing a ring signature technology.

Unlinkable transactions

Receivers have multiple unique one-time addresses derived from their single public key which makes it impossible to cross-link payments.

Double-spending proof

Nobody is able to spend the same money twice thanks to the addition of a key image to every signature.

Blockchain analysis resistance

The unique one-time addresses and the ring signatures make the whole blockchain resistant to analysis.

Egalitarian proof of work

Discoin mining is opened to everyone with an ordinary computer bringing equality among all miners.

Built on top of CryptoNote

The Discoin is derived from the CryptoNote project, an open-source technology and concepts for the cryptocurrencies of the future.


  • May 2018

  • Development started.
  • June 2018

  • Public mining opened.
  • June 2019

  • Website and dashboard opened. ICO and airdrop launched.
  • August 2019

  • Mining pool launched.
  • 阅读更多
  • October 2019

  • Integration in the Discodery ecosystem.
  • December 2019

  • Built-in exchange opening.
  • January 2020

  • GUI desktop and smartphone wallets release. Integration in public exchanges.
  • April 2020

  • Payment gateway in Discodery digital solution.
  • July 2020

  • Payment gateway public API release.

Discoin 球队

验证 25%



$312 000

Florent Daquet
Chief Executive Officer at Discodery


$312 000

Nicolas Mechelany
Co-Founder, Marketing Director


$312 000

Lorenzo Meneghini
Co-Founder, Creative Director


$312 000

Mathieu Meyer
Lead Developer

Discoin 面试

Nicolas Mechelany
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As Head of Growth of Discodery and Marketing Director of Discoin, my role consists mainly in building the global image and brand of the project. Furthermore, I'm responsible for identifying and executing the best marketing strategies and funnels to make our project reach to the biggest and most qualified audience possible.
What do you think about idea?
I believe our success will come, and already is coming, from the 3 following factors:

1) A disruptive product with an unique selling proposition

In a world where customers are connected 24/7 and where consuming habits have completely shifted, turning to digital has become a necessity, as much as an opportunity, for small businesses.

However, most of these businesses are late in their digital transformation and usually for 3 reasons : they don't have enough financial resources, they don't have enough time or human resources and/or they simply don't know where to start or how to do it...

And that is exactly why Discodery is such a unique solution! When subscribing to our model, our customers gain access to an affordable (9,90$/month excluding discounts and promotions), all-in-one (website + mobile app + management software with over 50 key features to optimize their business) and fully-serviced solution, meaning we take care of everything for them - from design to development, publication, maintenance and security.

That unique selling proposition is a real game-changer for millions of businesses all around the world!

2) A truly customer-centric company

At Discodery, we really pride ourselves in putting our customers are at the heart of our project and trying to be truly customer-centric. For those who don’t know this term, ”customer-centricity" is an approach to doing business, even a philosophy, that focuses on providing a positive customer experience in order to drive profit and gain competitive advantage.

Customer-centricity usually has 3 main advantages: it leads to very high customer satisfaction; it allows to create a true and loyal community around your business because the customer is involved in parts of the decision-making process; and it really makes your innovation process much more efficient because you get to learn who is your customer, how we thinks and what he expects out of your product.

In our case, we believe adopting this philosophy was more than essential, given our business model that is based on customer loyalty and recurring payments. Practically speaking, we have implemented that by surveying our customers on a weekly basis, asking their opinion about our product, the new features they would like to get, our customer service, the quality of our designs and customer journey, … That has allowed us to prioritize our development focus, to implement new features that are almost instantly adopted and globally speaking to make our customers really feel like they are part of the team.

Furthermore, we have offered all of our customers to join our Discodery Partners program (https://partners.discodery.com), that allows them to talk about Discodery around them and earn 25% commission on each sale they make (!). That has 2 great advantages: our customers are financially incentivized to learn how to use our product (e.g less questions coming in, less customer support required, …) and since commissions are paid every month, it creates a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship between our customers and us, resulting in much lower churn rate.

3) A revolutionary approach to market

Finally, we believe the third key of our success is our unique go-to market strategy. While we can’t reveal too much information to avoid competitors stealing our strategies, and along more traditional marketing strategies, we’ve been investing a lot of time, energy and resources into developing proprietary systems that rely on automation, vitality, affiliation and incentivization to grow at a very high rate.

We’re already seeing the results of this investment and are very confident in the outcome in the medium- and long-term.

Discoin 最新消息

  • 由于信息更新可能存在时间差异,因此应通过其官方网站或其他沟通渠道验证有关每个ICO项目的准确信息。
  • 这些信息不是投资ICO资金的建议或建议。请自行彻底调查相关信息并决定ICO的参与情况。
  • 如果您认为有任何问题需要纠正,或者您想提交自己的ICO项目,请给我们发送电子邮件。
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