Day By Day

Day By Day

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Day By Day is an innovative customer-focused asset registry management platform built on Blockchain technology. It helps individuals and businesses to easily catalogue and register their assets and valuables so that, when they need to make a claim, they are able to easily prove ownership in a quick and easy method speeding up the claims process while creating a better customer experience. Day By Day partners with insurance brokers, to help create a better value to their customer base while helping to improve the claims experience and reduce the risk of under insurance.
To be announced

关于 Day By Day

Day By Day is reimagining insurance with DeFi and NFTs. This will be the first of a kind blockchainbased insurtech platform. Our Web 2.0 business management platform and asset registry mobile app will connect to our Web 3.0 insurance DAO to make insurance trustworthy and transparent. This also offers Web 2.0 users an easy opportunity to engage with Web 3.0. Our decentralised insurance marketplace will connect insurers and buyers to provide cover for real world assets using NFTs. Investors will stake into these insurtech policies using DeFi.

Day By Day will not be a competitor for insurance companies, but rather be the enabler to promote insurance products, provide access to new customers and facilitate insurance transactions.

The Day By Day platform is supported and driven by the DBD Token which will be used for:

• Decentralised insurance transactions
• Powering the Insurance DAO (governance)
• Delivering premium accuracy
• Income for investors
• Insurer and investor risk management

Our vision is to enable insurance that’s transparent, fair and binding.

To create a global insurance DAO underpinned by blockchain, NFTs and cryptocurrency.


  • Live:

  • Asset register mobile app - launched!
    NFTs as insurance policies - launched!
    NFT policy marketplace - launched!
  • April - May

  • DeFi Underwriting Pool - to testnet
    Dashboard Reporting - to testnet
    DAO Platform - to testnet
  • June - July

  • Biometrics Zero Proof App Access - in upcoming app version release
    Get Insurance Platform - to testnet
    Instant AI Claim Assessing Solution - to testnet
  • August - September

  • DeFi Underwriting Pool - to mainnet
    Get Insurance Platform - to mainnet
    Instant AI Claim Assessing Solution - to mainnet
  • 阅读更多
  • October

  • DAO Platform and Governance - to mainnet

Day By Day 球队

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$6 745 642

Daniel Montoya
Chief Technology Officer
Anna Bezhenar
Chief Financial Officer


验证 0%


Stephen Conroy
Chair of the Advisory Board
Evis Zenios
Strategic Growth Advisor

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