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Daosaur Genesis collection dominates the NFT Space as the last surviving dinosaur.
To be announced


DAOSAUR dominates the NFT-SPACE as the last surviving dinosaur. We're apex predators, always ready to adapt, spotting trends right as they happen. The DAOSAUR NFT-collection represents the best and brightest of NFT-traders: Pros that can smell profit from a mile away. NFT natives and passionate about crypto, the DAOSAUR know when to capture their prey. Using state-of-the-art mining and trading tools, we know when the strike, and we love the thrill of the chase.

Of course, the DAOSAUR moves in style. This is why each NFT represents the pinnacle of sophistication. With unique traits and personalities, our NFTs represent all the qualities that you need to dominate the OpenSea marketplace.

DAOSAURs hunt for Blue Chip projects and hold NFT raiding parties. We're decentralized reptiles, meaning we vote for change, investments, and raiding. As you trade and grow, so does the community.


  • Q1 – Genesis

  • Collection of unique Daosaur on Ethereum Blockchain The First collection of a long series of dinosaur species.
    The Daosaur will remain the Alpha of the ecosystem.
    Whether he is a wall street trader or a party lover, the Daosaur is a businessman at heart who knows NFT trading.
  • Q2 – Launching Daosaur Tool

  • Development of the Daosaur Tool to identify NFT wallets of the best blockchain traders and track their activity.
    The Daosaur Tool will first be available on a private channel in the discord reserved for Daolisted members and then via a DAPP reserved for holders.
  • Q3 – Daosaur Raids

  • As soon as a cluster of trader activity is observed on the same project over a period of 24 hours we will launch a Daosaur Raid.
    A percentage of our royalties will be used to sweep the floor of the identified collection.
    The time and date of our investment will be announced to our holders in our private discord.
  • Q4 – Daosaur Community

  • The goal of the Daosaur is clear: Conquer the NFT SPACE in order to develop the community.
    We will accumulating royalties from secondary sales which are then used to growing the project and its collective success.
    The community will be able to vote on which NFT/ Crypto project the Dao should invest and on which NFT project we should launch a Daosaur raid!
  • 阅读更多
  • Q5 – The Daosaur Rocket ON

  • We are going to make other collections based on other dinosaur species in collaboration with famous artists.
    The goal being to create an ecosystem with a variety of dinosaur species.
  • Q6 – Staking & Marketplace

  • The Daosaur Marketplace will be accessible to holders who staked their Daosaur NFT.
    With staking ,Holders will earn $GRASS used to buy whitelist spots of other NFT collections with which we collaborate.
  • Q7 - Building the Metaverse

  • The Daosaur Marketplace will become a metaverse where Daosaur holders can socialize, participate in auctions and buy stores.
    The stores will be put on sale before the launch of the Metaverse.


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Co-Founder NFTChanger Media
Co-Founder NFTChanger Media


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