The Remote Speaker Coach

The Remote Speaker Coach

I’m on a mission to put my top-rated speaker tools into the hands of awesome people – THAT’S YOU!

关于 The Remote Speaker Coach

I’ve built them with love and care to be quick and simple to use. They’ve been tested by the 100s of speakers and teams I’ve coached for their keynotes, presentations and TEDx talks. SO LET’S DO THIS. The world needs you – your skills, knowledge and ideas.

3 things that have influenced how I approach public speaking…

1) I have trained with some of the very best theatre practitioners Internationally – useful for understanding how to use our body and voice in front of an audience.

This includes at the Lecoq school in Paris. What I loved most there was collaborating with students from all over the world to make and share work for critique EVERY FRIDAY. No excuses.

I still have a super practical focus, and speakers are often shocked by how much we get done together!

2) I am an introvert. And a reformed perfectionist. The speaker tools I’ve made would have saved my younger self a lot of tiredness and headaches! And even if this isn’t you, I get so much feedback from speakers that the approaches I take get them unstuck, stop them procrastinating, and help them have way more fun in the process.

3) My coaching and training style has frequently been described as ‘affirmative’. I am a massive fan of building on our strengths, and having fun while we learn. This doesn’t mean that I don’t coach to ensure a great level of challenge. I blend in the best of sports psychology and mindset work, with a highly focused approach to content creation that ensures our audiences have a great experience.


Danielle Krage
The Remote Speaker Coach
