

Seven is the founder of Blockchain lab: a research and development laboratory that brings together professionals in the fields of information technology, engineering, the legal, notary, insurance and tax world, who study operational and application models of the Blockchain in all its forms .

关于 Seven

The company manages the coordination of business development plans based on DLT, as well as a training academy on the representations of digital values ​​and identities and carries out all forms of technical, legal and fiscal consultancy, in the context of issue of tokens.

The Seven project is developed through the intervention of qualified and authorized operators in the field of financial analysis and asset valuation: in this way it is possible to allow the entrepreneur to enhance their company through the issue of digital instruments of value. , to reach a worldwide audience of potential financiers. 

The group was composed through the synergistic participation of various structures linked to each department. To this end, The Token was founded together with the associated partners, a physical place where Seven's customers can obtain all the services relating to the ownership of digital assets (cryptoassets, equity tokens, utility tokens, security tokens), to their exchangeability. as well as their fiscal management.

Seven is implementing the research project called "Smart Contract and token development" in the context of which the following are envisaged: 

A. Coordination and direction of all the professionals involved in the tokenization projects of securities (tangible and intangible) and real estate: works of art, real estate properties, corporate assets;

B. Analysis and implementation of the contractual structures for the management of digital representations of value; 

C. Drafting and preparation of Smart Contracts and their harmonization with current legislation.