Instinct Blockchain

Instinct Blockchain

Instinct is positioned to provide blockchain trusted data services for enterprises, help enterprises increase their data credibility, improve corporate image, and reduce data security risks

关于 Instinct Blockchain

Xiamen is a national special economic zone. It  is one of the earliest cities to design a free trade zone. The company’s registered place is in the Xiamen Free Trade Zone  There are very few companies specializing in blockchain in Xiamen. We are the first and we are also the Deputy Secretary-General of the China IT Industry Promotion Alliance Blockchain Sub-Committee, and all levels of government in Xiamen have strong support for the high-tech industry and provide various kinds of assistance for high-tech companies.Our team's small partners are motivated, eager to learn, and have a variety of specialties. We are related to each other, passionate and courteous, and  we have a flexible working system. In addition to the five insurance and one gold commercial insurance, there are many benefits, such as projects. Bonuses, paid annual leave, regular  free unlimited snacks, overtime package dinner fare, twice-daily healthy fruit, exclusive all-around massage chair, nap, comfortable  fully automatic washing machine, 360° massage shower System, employee-only gym, these benefits cover family children.