Indico Data

Indico Data

Indico Data transforms unstructured data into actionable insights.

关于 Indico Data

With the AI and ML-powered Indico Unstructured Data Platform™, enterprises of all sizes can automate, analyze, and apply unstructured data –– documents, emails, images, videos and more –– to a wide range of enterprise workflows. This enables them to gain rich insight and maximize the value of their existing software investments, including RPA, CRM, ERP, BI, by enabling these systems to work with unstructured data.


Tom Wilde
Slater Victoroff
Founder, CTO
Madison May
ML Architect, Co-Founder
Diana Yuan
VP of Talent & Operations, Co-Founder
Don Zereski
EVP of Engineering
Mike Earley
SVP of Finance
Bob More
Chief Revenue Officer