Digital Dalmatia

Digital Dalmatia

关于 Digital Dalmatia

Digital Dalmatia is digital transformation hub aimed at promoting and developing the IT/tech sector in Split and Dalmatia, with a focus on nurturing and developing the local Startup Ecosystem. Digital Dalmatia operates based on three main pillars STARTUP ECOSYSTEM We actively work on developing the Dalmatian startup ecosystem, starting with fostering entrepreneurship among students through the Student Entrepreneurial Projects program, followed by the StartIT Startup Academy as a preparatory phase before entering the global market, and culminating in the GrowIT accelerator program, which provides education & funding for startups market entry. Dalmatia Startup Community now consists of over 50 startups, which are supported, connected with mentors and investors, and brought together through the Startup Dalmatia Meetup. Startup Dalmatia Meetup brings together the local tech startup scene in Split and Dalmatia, connecting the startup community, showcasing innovative projects, facilitating initial contact with potential investors.. DIGITAL SKILLS Through various educational initiatives, we enable young people to acquire highly valued knowledge in Digital Skills . This includes EDIT CodeSchool, the largest coding school in Croatia, JUNIOR Dev, which provides specialized education in specific programming languages and encourages job placement, and the AI workshops, where participants learn about artificial intelligence and work on their own projects. TECH COMMUNITY We organize and co-organize three meetups: Startup Dalmatia Meetup, ML/AI meetup for the artificial intelligence and machine learning community, and Split CyberSec meetup group. We also organize two major startup conferences in Split: GrowIT and the Startup Europe Regatta. We have even more educational programs such as Graphic Design, IT senior, Digital Marketing etc. to meet specific market needs for skills and knowledge that are challenging to obtain through formal education.