Cloud Castles

Cloud Castles

Digital Insight Games is a next-generation games studio founded by industry veterans. We're at the forefront of technology and digital economies, defining the future of world-class interactive entertainment.

关于 Cloud Castles

   Digital Insight Games (DIG) aims to build the world’s premier AAA Metaverse experience, with the best-in-class/user friendly Tech platform for next gen in-game digital economy, enabling digital asset ownership, transparency, accessibility, scalability, and security

Our Culture

Customer(Gamers) First We are an independent games company formed by gamers and are in the business of producing as well as publishing fantastic games for fellow gamers. Teamwork Making a great game involves highly collaborative efforts across functions and disciplines. We value all of our contributors, no matter the participation level, in making our end product possible, that is a fantastically fun game to play. Boldness We look for team members who challenge the status quo and seek to innovate across key departments in the organization. We strive to invent something new every day. Results Oriented We live and die by the quality of our work and seek to produce great games for our fans. We take the quality of our games seriously, and disappointment by our customers is not an option. Iteration We aim to tweak and change any imperfections into perfection over time. We aim to iterate our way to success by finding that secret sauce. All we ask is for our loyal gamers to stay with us and lend us the support we need to make the long journey possible. Together, we are going to make it! Community We seek to pioneer a Games-as-a-Service/Live Service 2.0 model where we aim to build a game in conjunction with our community. We plan to integrate player community feedback across all stages including during both game development phase as well as post-launch phase. We’ll iterate live with our community even during the design and production phases! We’re all in this together, both inside and outside the company.