Animate Architecture

Animate Architecture

Making places where people accomplish more.

关于 Animate Architecture

Together with great clients, we create beautiful spaces.

Animate is a full service architecture firm located in Portland and Chicago. More than an office, Animate is a laboratory, assisting human productivity and creating delight in terms of architecture. The Animate approach has produced elegant solutions for clients large and small. All are the products of:

  • a sensitivity to nature and human life
  • a rigorous thought process that clarifies, simplifies, and invents
  • a deep and genuine concern for long-term client and user satisfaction

Filled with speculative objects, wide-ranging research, and inquisitive energy, Animate's own space is a sensorium for thinking in three dimensions. All attention is focused on understanding the living, breathing opportunities and dilemmas facing a variety of clients.

"We have an architecture practice today that builds for people living tomorrow. Old styles of building were fine . . . back then. But changes in business, society and technology challenge our clients and challenge us to discover lifestyles yet to be lived,” says Joe Lambke. "By being alert --- deeply aware of the client’s predicament --- we find meaningful ways to build.”
