ALTEN is a European multinational company specialized in providing consulting, information technology and engineering services to the main companies in the Spanish market.

关于 ALTEN Spain

With a worldwide turnover of 4,000 million euros, it has a staff of 57,000 professionals and is present in more than 30 countries. Our ability to develop and adapt to market requirements facilitates our presence in different sectors of the economy and industry. At ALTEN we specialize in providing services to create business solutions with standard technologies, from conceptualization and initial design to implementation or final maintenance. We offer our clients full geographical coverage, thanks to our eight locations: Madrid, Barcelona, Valladolid, Pamplona, Cadiz, Seville, Murcia, Bilbao and Vigo. ALTEN's range of services is based on a fundamental concept, its ability to meet operational needs through the most appropriate technology for each case. ALTEN SPAIN, with more than 3,400 employees, offers the experience of thousands of hours of technological research in both engineering and IT. We use the latest technologies in a corporate culture of excellence, offering full coverage to our customers.

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