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Coinchase基于加密货币:它旨在建立一个由个人组成的基于社区的金融网络。个人既是网络的创造者,也是受益者。 Coinchase是其网络的组织者和服务开发者。
Coinchase Token(CCH)代表Coinchase网络的使用证明(PoU)和证明(PoS)。 CCH可用于:成为会员;投资;贷款;作为交易费;社区支付。使用证明。
  • 市场
  • Cashierest
    CCH/KRW ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 4.155E-5
    $ 25.445 K
  • ABCC
    CCH/ETH ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.0001
  • ABCC
    CCH/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 4.407E-5
100% 完成
$2 172
3.5 K
0% 目标 完成
目标 8 380 000.00 USD
  • 1 CCH
    0.005 USD
Token Distribution Ratio

Participation Incentives 51%
Coinchase allocates 51% of the total supply of CCH tokens to incentivize its users to participate in public sales actively, inviting friends to join Coinchase, investment, savings, lending, and contribute high-quality content.

Public Sale 20%
Prior to the participation incentives releasing, 20% of the total CCH will be be allocated to Coinchase early supporters through Public Sale and released on the day before CCH’s first exchange listing.

Team 15%
Coinchase allocated 15% of CCH tokens to reward its team members. It will be unlocked at the same time as the participation incentives.

Advisors & Early Investors 4%
4% was allocated to reward advisors & early investors. They will be unlocked in a daily basis during the period of one year from the day of CCH’s exchange listing.

Platform Ecology and Operations 10%
Maintenance of the Coinchase platform ecosystem and operations will account for 10% of CCH Tokens, and it will be unlocked also with Participation incentives part.
Feb 1, 2018
Coinchase offers 30% discount for public sale. 'Break and Return' insurance with a minimum profit of 30%.
MVP /原型

关于 Coinchase

Coinchase是一个基于社区的加密货币金融服务网络。它是新一代的金融服务网络。随着传统金融业失去活力,新兴和快速增长的区块链产业带来了该领域的快速发展和客户的高回报。 Coinchase基于加密货币:它旨在建立一个由个人组成的基于社区的金融网络。个人既是网络的创造者,也是受益者。 Coinchase是其网络的组织者和服务开发者。


投资: Coinchase通过选择性,严格和严格的尽职调查流程选择成功概率较高的项目,为用户提供投资机会。对于用户,Coinchase提供所有项目方的主要数据,包括项目方的静态信息,以及动态的数据,如社交媒体更新,社区活动状态,关于项目的大数据聚合’搜索量等。此外,Coinchase在其社区和项目之间提供深入的沟通,因此用户能够全面了解所有项目的所有方面。同时,用户可以参与多个项目’公开销售一旦通过了解您的客户(KYC),节省了项目方的时间和成本。


场外交易市场:当公开销售结束时以及在交易所上市交易之前。 Coinchase为用户提供此服务,以在其平台上交易其令牌。这将允许非上市货币拥有流动性。

新闻: Coinchase将汇总并推荐用户感兴趣的各种加密货币新闻,报道,及时新闻等。




2)200%激励: Coinchase分配了CCH代币总供应量的51%,以激励其用户积极参与公开销售。 Coinchase将向项目方收取其公开出售期间筹集的总金额的5%。然后,Coinchase将这个数字加倍(5%的费用)并按照CCH tokes的形式在项目公共销售参与者中分享,按照他们对项目的贡献按百分比计算。

3 C2C交易  :Coinchase的C2C交易旨在增强在其平台上交易的代币的流动性。在交易所上市代币之前,用户可以通过Coinchase的C2C交易功能自由交易。

Coinchase的目标是让用户与高质量的区块链项目达成共识。共识是令牌生态系统的核心精神。 C2C交易的推出将极大地增强令牌’流动性,从而吸引更多人加入生态系统。扩大项目的共识将最终导致项目代币价值的增加。

Coinchase Token(CCH)Coinchase Token(CCH)代表Coinchase网络的使用证明和证明。 CCH是Coinchase发行的令牌。 CCH代币的总供应量为100亿。 CCH Utility Coinchase Token(CCH)代表Coinchase网络的使用证明(PoU)和证明(PoS)。


使用证明 :CCH的分配是通过每个用户对Coinchase网络的贡献量来衡量的。 CCH奖励可用于Coinchase的有效活动以及为Coinchase网络做出贡献。 CCH总供应量的51%将用于奖励为Coinchase网络做出贡献的用户。












  • Vision

  • Build a world’s leading community-focused Blockchain crowdfunding platform.
  • 2018 Q1

  • Complete platform Construction,Find truly valuable blockchain projects to list.
  • 2018 Q2

  • Accumulate platform users and build user community.
  • 2018 Q3

  • Issue CCH platform token, launch “Break and Return” insurance, launch share profits policy to users.
  • 阅读更多
  • 2018 Q4

  • Launch C2C trading board on official website. CCH Public sale starts.
  • 2019 Q1

  • Launche a comments and rating board on official website.
  • 2019 Q2

  • Launch content output and social interaction board.
  • 2019 Q3

  • Continuous promotion and operation. Building the world's largest blockchain community.

Coinchase 球队

验证 100%

Evan Zhang
He Yang
Daniel Rufini
Xin Yan
Backend Engineer
Liu Jie
Frontend Engineer
Yu Ling
Jingyi Liu
Community Director
Zhangxu Zheng
Marketing Director
Bo Yan
Director of Risk Management


验证 100%

Aurora Wang
Chuan Shi
Pengzhi Xu
Chris Koerner


Yang Xin
Wang Tianqi
Marketing Director

Coinchase 面试

Evan Zhang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
CTO of Coinchase, I was in Tencent(HK00700) and Alibaba(NYSE:BABA) Senior Engineer. I have extensive experience in developing concurrent server, payment systems and blockchain protocol layer.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase is the world's leading Blockchain crowdfunding platform. It is the Kickstarter for cryptocurrency. it connects Blockchain project with cryptocurrency users. Coinchase helps users identify valuable Blockchain projects at early stages. Coinchase launches its revolutionary Break and Return Insurance© with money-back guarantee.
He Yang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Founder and CEO
Bachelor’s degree, Tsinghua University
Master of Science in Computer Science, Tsinghua University
In 2011, He Yang jointly founded the mobile instant messaging
product MM with the investment backing of ZhenFund. From 2013
to 2016, he created the mobile social products, Moumou and
Meijuan, now with 5 million subscribers, with investment from
Hangzhou Zhiben Investment Management Co., Ltd. In 2016, he
became a partner of Vinci, a smart hardware product.
He founded Coinchase in early 2018.
He Yang has extensive experience in technology, products, user
growth, and operations.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase is a community-focused Blockchain crowdfunding platform. It promotes community building, social interaction, and Public Sales between Blockchain projects and platform users, oering ‘participation rewards’ worldwide through its platform token, the CCH Token. An important key to inspiring participation in Coinchase is to incentivize both parties to reach consensus.
Daniel Rufini
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
CMO of Coinchase, qualified professional in the areas of Communication, Marketing and Business, holder of a Masters Degree in International Business by the University of Liverpool, experienced Forex trader as well as early Blockchain player/adopter, with a strong passion for and directly involved with the development of the Blockchain industry by supporting high-quality projects that will ultimately drive mass adoption from the general/real-life public to a variety of amazing Blockchain applications. Lived in six different countries, speaks 5 languages and has been to almost 40 countries.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase is a new, revolutionary concept of crowdfunding platform for blockchain projects. It is easy to use, safe for both users and projects and offers an unprecedented benefit called 'Break and Return' insurance in order to protect its members digital assets. It is also a global community which caters users all over the world. I am very proud of being part of such amazing project.
Xin Yan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Senior Backend Engineer & Tech support
4 year experience in server development and blockchain-related field.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase is a community-focused Blockchain crowdfunding platform. It promotes
community building, social interaction, and Public Sales between Blockchain
projects and platform users, oering ‘participation rewards’ worldwide through its
platform token, the CCH Token. An important key to inspiring participation in
Coinchase is to incentivize both parties to reach consensus.
Liu Jie
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
5-year experience in front-end development. Proficient in building
front-end architectures. Skilled in agile development and fast
iteration of products.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase is a community-focused Blockchain crowdfunding platform. It promotes community building, social interaction, and Public Sales between Blockchain projects and platform users, offering 'participation rewards' worldwide through its platform token, the CCH Token. An important key to inspiring participation in Coinchase is to incentive both parties to reach consensus.
Yu Ling
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Majored in Visual Communication Design 5 year experience in Internet Design related field, participated in multiple project designs.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase is a community-focused Blockchain crowdfunding platform. As ‘Public Sale’ is its main service oered, Coinchase seeks to attract community trac and provide users with all necessary and transparent information about all listed projects.
Jingyi Liu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Community Director.
Graduated from Temple University, within 7-year study abroad experience in the U.S. Outstanding graduate with scholarships
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase is a community-focused Blockchain crowdfunding platform.An important key to inspiring participation in Coinchase is to incentivize both parties to reach consensus.
Zhangxu Zheng
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
He has served as COO for YuanziHudong Technology Company and has extensive experience in marketing, public relations, event management, and roadshows.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase is a community-focused Blockchain crowdfunding platform. As ‘Public Sale’ is its main service oered, Coinchase seeks to attract community trac and provide users with all necessary and transparent information about all listed projects.
Aurora Wang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As an investor and advisor, I'm happy to help Coinchase grow with my experiences and resources in aspects such as strategic direction, business development, marketing and management.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase has a solid team and strong user growth experiences. Its innovation idea on 'break and return' insurance actually shows their care about the community. I believe Coinchase would help a great deal retail investors and high-quality projects in this bear market.
Chuan Shi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As an advisor, I'm happy to help Coinchase grow with my experiences and resources in aspects such as strategic direction, business development, marketing and management.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase has a solid team and strong user growth experiences. Its innovation idea on 'break and return' insurance actually shows their care about the community. I believe Coinchase would help a great deal retail investors and high-quality projects in this bear market.
Pengzhi Xu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Security Advisor.
I'am happy to help Coinchase develop policies and procedures that minimize the risk.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase is run by an experienced and dedicated management team.
Its innovation idea on 'break and return' insurance actually shows their care about the community.
Chris Koerner
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm a strategic advisor and partner for the vetting of crypto projects. I'll be taking the lead on evaluating and promoting projects and initiatives.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase is an incredibly innovative platform with a team that exceeds most in the space. I can't be more thrilled about working together with them.
Bo Yan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Coinchase is a Community-based Cryptocurrency Financial Services Network.
It is a new generation of financial services network. As traditional finance has lost its vitality, the emerging and fast-growing blockchain industry brings rapid development in this sector and high returns to customers. Coinchase is based on cryptocurrency: it aims to build a community-based financial network composed by individuals. Individuals are both creators and beneficiaries of the network. Coinchase acts as the organizer and service developer of its network.
What do you think about idea?
Coinchase Token (CCH) represents Proof-of-Usage and Proof-of-Stake of the Coinchase network.

CCH is the token issued by Coinchase. The total supply of CCH tokens is 10 billion.

Coinchase 最新消息

$ 4.164E-5
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 25.5 K
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.0083
ICO Price~$0.0050
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