Chain Wars

Chain Wars

Created using Figma
Chain Wars is a brand new Digital Collectible Card Game (DCCG).
To be announced
平台, 游戏

关于 Chain Wars

Chain Wars is a brand new Digital Collectible Card Game (DCCG). Its experience is amplified by ‘Play to Earn’ and supportive products. It implements the most exciting, innovative features blockchain technology has to offer right now.

The game is driven by blockchain technology and runs on multiple chains. This allows for a fresh approach to create a game. The main opportunities within this fresh approach are decentralizing a game and powering it by its own currency, Chain Wars Essence (CWE). Each chain correlates to a playable race within the game. The current races involve Origon, Nimble and Human.

The majority of items are player-owned and tradeable via our own Marketplace. So, are you ready to create your best possible deck and compete with other players? We hope to see you on board!


Chain Wars Essence (CWE) is the bridge between community and game. It allows players to codirect the flow of the game. Meanwhile it's a requirement for playing the game.

These usecases create a dynamic in which the player is incentivized to hold CWE, because with more CWE you have more voting power (governance) and possibilities within the game. With these possibilties you can amplify your Play to Earn experience.


  • 2021 Q3

  • • Concept creation
    • market analysis
    • concept finalization
    • Setting up initial roadmap: Establish partnerships for development
    • Establish partnerships for marketing
    • Establishing partnerships for IDO
    • Elaborative concept meetings with developers
  • 2021 Q4

  • • AMA-sessions with relevant communities
    • $CWE Launch
    • Establish mandatory partnerships
    • Preparing ChainWars Alpha release
    • Setting up AlphaTeam and ChainArmy
  • 2022 Q1

  • • ChainWars Alpha Release
    • Testing, patching & expanding
    • ChainWars account release
    • ChainWars Beta Release
    • Onboarding partners
    • Marketing roll out
    • Cinematic teaser
    • Cinematic Trailer
    • Airdrop for $CWE and $MLTPX holders
    • Lootbox sale
    • NFT Marketplace
  • 2022 Q2

  • • Start $CWE buy back event topping up reward pools and reserves (40% of all sold Lootboxes)
    • Adding liquidity to Moonlift and Pancakeswap (10% of all sold Lootboxes)
    • Airdrop for $CWE and $MLTPX holders
    • onboarding designers for land game
    • onboarding strategic partners for land game
    • ChainWars Beta blockchain integration
    • Setting up marketing plan (budget 20% of all sold Lootboxes)
    • Expanding users
    • Cex and dex listing
    • Staking
    • Start Tier reward program
    • Call of Duty Warzone match making blockchain intergration
    • Launching Call of Duty Warzone Tournaments
    • Patching & expanding Card game
    • Merchandise Physical Card Game
    • Start developing land game
  • 阅读更多
  • 2022 Q3

  • • Land design reveals
    • Land teaser trailer
    • Governance model roll out
    • Airdrop for $CWE and $MLTPX holders
    • Patching & expanding Card game
    • Releasing Land whitepaper
    • Land alpha test application
  • 2022 Q4

  • • Land alpha release
    • Last airdrop for $CWE and $MLTPX holders
    • Patching & expanding Card game
    • Integrating Lootbox shop into open world Land lobby
    • Integrating NFT Marketplace into open world Land lobby
    • Integrating Energy shop into open world Land lobby
    • Integrating Arena (card game) into open world Land lobby
    • Integrating Tournament ticket shop into open world Land lobby
    • Patching & expanding Land game
  • 2023 Q1

  • • Landbox realestate sale
    • Landbox sale
    • Land Beta release
    • Start $CWE buy back event topping up reward pools and reserves (40% of all sold Landboxes)
    • Adding liquidity to Moonlift and Pancakeswap (10% of all sold Landboxes)

Chain Wars 最新消息


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