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CCECOIN旨在利用点对点流程完全分散和透明的交易生态系统。 CCE正在建立一个基于区块链技术的庞大交易网络或生态系统,计划于2019年在整个东南亚地区进行初步启动。该生态系统的基础是在完全分散和透明的交易过程中将交易方汇集在一起​​,利用同行同行网络。
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
6.9 K
目标 10 000 000.00 USD
10 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 CCE
    0.1 USD
Oct 5, 2018


CCE ECOSYSTEM LIMITED(&ndquo; CCE”),具有不同的投资和商业利益范围,主要位于各地东南亚地区,在当地政府层面以及整个地区的各种商业协会工作。


CCE正在建立一个庞大的交易网络或生态系统,基于区块链技术,计划在整个地区进行初步发布该生态系统的基础是利用对等网络在一个完全分散和透明的交易过程中将贸易各方聚集在一起。 CCE开发了CCECOIN,并在生态系统中引入了利用CCECOIN的支付系统和交换媒介。 CCE生态系统将提供广泛的平台和支付机制,促进区域贸易,重点是为商家带来价值,并进一步开发来自东南亚地区的独特产品。



CCECOIN is a new offering in the market of altcoins - which can be exchanged into all accepted cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies within our own ecosystem platform. Together, with our developing powerful ecosystem, the demand for CCECOIN will continue to increase, as both institutions and individuals drive demand. Within the ecosystem, the CCECOIN can be exchanged to fiat currency and fiat currency can be exchanged for CCECOIN. It’s a flexible platform - powered by BLOCKCHAIN technologies.

Crowdsourcing is the newest means to fundraise for worthwhile community projects. CCE, driving new initiatives in trade throughout the South East Asia region. will be delivering a significant ICO to market in 2018. Only as a group of committed and enthusiastic supporters can truly significant changes on any meaningful scale be introduced to the market. Gather with us to spread the news of our ICO and soon to be delivered powerful ecosystem. Early bird deals are available at the time of the ICO. Don’t miss out! The market of South East Asia is valued on an annual basis in the billions of dollars. CCECOIN seeks to faciliate regional trade through the introduction of the most modern regional ecosystem - empowered with the easy-to-use cost efficient CCECOIN token. With a low entry price of US$0.10 per CCECOIN, the upside of the investment leans to the positive over the short to medium term. Funds raised will permit, not only regional trade to be streamlined, but allow CCE to take a direct position in the investment of exotic durian fruit plantations and luxury bird nest production - a business sector measured in annual turnover of billions of dollars within the markets of South East Asia.

CCE has established Durian Clubs . The purpose of the club is to promote the exotic durian fruit business within the developing CCE Ecosystem. Club members fall into two categories - consumers who can enjoy annual paid visits to durian plantations to participate in amazing eat-all-you-can tourist events, as well as participate in multiple durian festivals held around Asia - experiencing the ultimate in sampling the wide varieties of the exotic durian fruit! Tree-ownership program is also offered - where buyers can no only enjoy free seasonal durian fruit, but can earn huge profits over a 25 year period.

The other sector catered for by the club is supporting the farm owners by providing agri-consulting - helping farmers to maximize crop yields and crop quality. The club also works within the wider CCE Ecosystem, and facilitates durian farmers to move produce throughout Asia.

No matter what your level of interest, Durian Clubs is the perfect gateway to buy, sell, trade, share, and seek consulting - and always enjoying the exotic taste of durian together!



  • July 2018

  • Open for Vendor registration
  • August 2018

  • Private Placement CCECOIN begins
  • October 2018

  • Pre ICO sales for CCECOIN
  • November 2018

  • ICO
  • 阅读更多
  • December 2018

  • Public Trading of CCECOIN
  • March 2019

  • Durian farm Investments and Planting
  • September 2019

  • Durian Festivals in China, Malaysia and Thailand


验证 100%

John Loi
Robert Law
Michelle Lim
Chief Strategist and Durian Expert
Blockchain Expert
William Chen
Marketing Expert
Ngu Ngouh Ying
Ecosystem Builder
Edvin Law


Loi Wai Kit
Ecosystem Manager


John Loi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
The architect who sees how blockchain will grow in adoption, widen in distribution, and grow in importance.
What do you think about idea?
Great and excellent idea.
Stable coin a thing of the future. We help to widen the distribution of great products unique from Asia.
Robert Law
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Observation over ongoing operation happening via team members. Guideing them to meet our ultimate goal.
What do you think about idea?
Idea is pretty good as there is enormous demand of supplying bird nests and durian fruits while we are connecting buyers and sellers directly.
Michelle Lim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am in charge of strategy and land acquisition. It is really exciting for me to work on making CCECOIN token widely adopted within our ecosystem and helping durian farmers reach a wider world for their products.
What do you think about idea?
The best idea in town. Using new technology to create value for CCECOIN TOKEN by making sure we have a long term value generator post ico.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
We have a great team. Clear and Precise requirements were given to me. Achieving them was totally satisfying.
What do you think about idea?
This is a great idea. To grow the distribution of durians and bird nest using blockchain and an ecosystem. The economics make a great deal of sense and it is amazing no one thought about it earlier.
William Chen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Marketing of a new ecosystem platform like ours is very rewarding. Every success builds towards a better trade and distribution system.
What do you think about idea?
This idea is simply the best and miracle. Unique only to this region. Competition is limited. Simply the best!!!!!!i Join us at
Ngu Ngouh Ying
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As an Ecosystem builder, we are required to recruit vendors and members to widen our distribution. Whilst this task is simple it is not easy. It is great to be a part of a great endeavor changing the world of through blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
What do you think about idea?
This is one of the best ideas coming out of Asia. Making Durian, a widely distribute fruit where millions can enjoy. The long term value generator is one that can last for many years. A fruit whose time has arrived.
Edvin Law
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a management team member we do whatever it takes. No task too difficult, or small. Being a part of the team is a great feeling. A group of like-minded people looking to achieve greatness through CCE ECOSYSTEM.
What do you think about idea?
This truly a wonderful idea. One of the best ICO plan and exercise that I have seen coming out of Asia. Original, innovative, dynamic and unique because we have the long term components to increase our token value over time. Go CCECOIN!!!!!


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