使用区块链技术bitsoko创造产品和 帮助商家和消费者缩小经济差距的服务 通过为电子商务提供新的创新解决方案 业。 比特钱包 Bits钱包是一个免费,简单,安全的数字手机钱包 和支付服务。
Soko POS - 销售点终端 Soko POS是内置的开源销售点终端 功能,使商家推动更多的销售 广告。
验证 0%
The idea behind this project is very relevant as it addresses real-life problems in the targeted region. But the presentation is extremely poor and information is insufficient (both on website and in the unfinished WP).
Strengths: platform is available for tests (both PoS and wallet). The team secured $100,000 grunt from Bill Gates’ Grand Challenges Exploration initiative.
Weaknesses: no final version of WP - the unfinished draft is available as Google Document and everyone can edit it; profiles of team members are not clickable, there are no advisors; there are no financial plan/projections, no marketing plan, no competitor analysis; no data on number of tokens issues/remaining; no detailed roadmap.