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Pre Ico
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
Token Sale
100% 完成
$66 600 000
3751267% 硬帽子 完成
20 000 000.00 BKX
硬帽子 220 000 000.00 BKX
  • 1 ETH
    500 BKX

关于 BankEx

BANKEX is developing a new tokenization technology that uses the blockchain technology to offer advanced Proof-of-Asset protocol for the financial markets. By using Smart Contracts, BANKEX may digitize various types of assets like portfolios including real estate, ensures that the asset is validated, turns it into a token, and places it on the market for trading. Liquidity in form of cryptocurrencies or even fiat money is is only a click away from asset owners. It provides investors the access to capital and guarantee clear cashflow.

BANKEX is supported by 10 banks and top tech companies, including the Microsoft Corporation. BANKEX is ranked in Top- 50 FinTech startups of the world.

What is the aset tokenization?
Tokenization is the process of protecting sensitive data by replacing it with an algorithmically generated number called a token, much like a website domain is a representation of an IP address on the internet, a token is a representation of information on the blockchain. By processing this information BANKEX PoA can perform actions that would usually require a third party for verification. Simply put - tokenization of assets is basically the process of passing on the rights to an asset into the blockchain and making it globally available. BANKEX tokens carry both functions : utility and security, while serving as a gateway to the platform they are also backed with the real world assets.

Pre-ICO and open presale
$1,5 million in July (pre-ICO), $10 million in soft and hard commitments in the first two weeks of its presale and private sale period

Token Sale details
Price: 1 ETH = 500 BKX
Accepting: BTC, ETH, Waves, TIME, Lightcoin
Retail Cap (Round 1): 140 000 ETH
Hard Cap (Round 1 + Round 2): 420 000 ETH
Soft cap (retail sale): 80M BKX tokens ( ~70 000 ETH)
Frozen for future institutional investors 140M BKX tokens (~280 000 ETH)

Problems asset tokenization solves

  • Numerous asset owners - this creates barriers to effective communication, distrust and making it harder to reach common ground.
  • High dispersion of assets - this results in blurred understanding of real cash flow that is generated by every single asset.
  • Long period of launching projects to achieve desirable liquidity.
  • Inability to enter the financial markets to attract sufficient investments for non-public companies.
  • Complicated process of keeping track of the lifecycle of an asset before sustainable cashflow reveals.
  • High legal and accounting expenditures caused by asset transfers if early investors sell their assets at peak profitability.
  • Complexity of asset withdrawal when the terms of contract are not fulfilled for any reason."


BKX标记支持系统中的智能资产周转。 BKX令牌也被用来作为资产社区的产品挖掘报酬。
- BKX令牌不授予持有者任何利润或收入的权利。
- BKX令牌不给予持有者权利参与任何决策或协议chaning过程。
- BKX令牌是需要付费的。



资产证明协议解决了不可替代的资产流动性问题。在该协议中发布的每个令牌都由资产确保1对1。 PoAP实质上是BaaS(银行即服务)和区块链技术的结合

源代码:  代码在Github上是部分可用的。 开发者证明:



  • Q3/2017

  • Start of development
  • 2009年

  • 伊戈尔·赫梅尔(Igor Khmel)理解财政世界即将经历全球变化。为了能够为他们做出贡献,他进入斯坦福大学学习财务。
  • Q4/2017

  • ICO
  • 2010

  • Citadel投资集团是最赚钱的基金之一,在那里几乎100%的员工都懂编程语言。
  • 阅读更多
  • Q1/2018

  • Listing token on exchanges Designing UI
  • 2012

  • 金融市场发展前景和机遇的转折点 - 与Bancor.Network未来顾问Tim Draper会面。
  • Q1/2018

  • Apps development Music licensing
  • 2014

  • 伊戈尔·赫梅尔(Igor Khmel)说服欧洲最赚钱的银行负责人赫尔曼·格雷夫(Herman Gref)创建了伊戈尔(Igor)策划的Sberbank创新实验室。今天,它是欧洲银行业创新的领导者。
  • 2015年

  • Igor Khmel与Ilham Hatypov和Dmitry Dolgov会面,创立了BANKEX公司,作为金融科技创新实验室的延伸。
  • Q2/2018

  • iOS app release
  • 2016年6月

  • BANKEX金融科技实验室开始每天运作,公司的创始人来全职工作。
  • Q2/2018

  • Android app and web player release
  • 8月•2016年

  • BANKEX创建了区块链开发部门,与WAVES平台的创造者Sasha Ivanov交朋友。
  • Q3/2018

  • MacOS and Windows apps release Global expansion
  • 9月•2016年

  • BANKEX团队赢得了Life.SREDA金融集团组织的区块链hachathon,为基于电报信使的p2p交易创造了解决方案,能够在以太坊区块链上进行交易。
  • 2016年10月

  • BANKEX开始与ChronoBank项目团队在技术领域进行互动,该团队在2017年初成功举办了首批成功的ICO之一,发布了TIME标志。
  • 2016年12月

  • 通过2016年,BANKEX实验室成功与3家银行签订合同,并在市场上部署3种金融科技产品:KYC,存款交易所,众筹市场。
  • 2016

  • 在这一年中,BANKEX成为金融科技行业10多个知名奖项和大会的赢家。
  • 2017年2月

  • BANKEX和微软签署区块链技术开发合作伙伴关系,获得微软Azure赞助$ 120000。
  • 2017年3月

  • BANKEX实验室为BANKEX资产证明协议生态系统的首个产品所有者 - 金融科技子公司FinDelivery提供KYC智能资产,从而实现营业利润。
  • 2017年3月

  • BANKEX获得证券排放顾问的资格,成为银行即服务平台。 BANKEX生态系统还有六家银行加入。此外还与M-Deposit Stock Exchange建立战略合作伙伴关系。
  • 四月•2017

  • 开始开展BANKEX资产标记化业务,公开资产证明协议被公开并创建了BANKEX WhitePaper的第一个版本。
  • 2017年5月

  • 加密货币市场的快速增长与BANKEX团队的增长一致。 BANKEX目前在全球拥有超过50名员工。
  • 2017年5月

  • 公众对BANKEX的认可 - 公司成为全球前50名的金融科技公司之一。
  • 六月•2017

  • BANKEX组织第一个正确的金融科技黑客马拉松,开发团队邀请银行一起编程。获奖者被授予preBKX WAVES代币。
  • 七月•2017

  • 资产证明协议的首次成果:产品架构创建,BANKEX的一些创新开发和测试,如区块链服务架构,智能资产标识,智能交易。市场反应非常积极。证明资产协议方案是与全球客户验证。
  • 七月•2017

  • BANKEX基于以太坊区块链释放PBKX令牌。
    Pre Token销售在两周内完成,结果超过$ 1 500 000。
  • 8月•2017

  • BANKEX团队从Vitalik Buterin获得区块链黑客马拉松的冠军。
  • 8月•2017

  • 伊戈尔·赫梅尔(Igor Khmel)在伦敦金融科技周(FinTech Week)的演讲增强了对商业银行解决方案的兴趣。
  • 9月•2017年

  • 在BANKEX Asia RoadShow:深圳,东京,香港,新加坡,公司与金融精英会面。
  • 9月•2017年

  • BANKEX业务在纽约开业,与美国合法公司建立了合作关系。 BANKEX加入了金融泰坦和银行即服务大师克里斯·斯金纳(Chris Skinner)。
  • 9月•2017年

  • 基于以太坊区块链的初始智能资产产品beta版本启动。
  • 10月•2017

  • 我们已经发布了我们产品的演示版本,资产证明协议,它为以加密为中心的FinTech平台上的实际资产提供了新的资本来源。我们创建了一个MVP产品,这意味着业务解决方案。
  • 10月•2017

  • BKX TOKEN SALE - 完全符合美国的规定,私人和机构均符合资格。
  • 2018年第一季度至第二季度

  • 资产支持的汇兑银行
  • 2020

  • 两个世界的金融桥:CRYPTO&FIAT

BankEx 球队

验证 0%



$137 200 000

Igor Khmel


$137 200 000

Vitaly Dubinin
Dima Dolgov
Tram leader
Stan Sushko
Legal & compliance

BankEx 最新消息

5.0 11
ICO 轮廓 视力 活动 潜在 产品 球队


Currently trending in the blockchain world is the tokenization of different real-world assets. Services provided by Bankex will allow users to give up the rights to their assets in exchange for tokens. We've seen other ICO's such as LAToken aim for the same space but their ICO has failed all the investors who succumbed to the hype. For a complete tokenization of real world assets, several parties must be aligned. The buyer, the seller, and all the contracted legal implications are reliant on the honest human. Bankex' endeavour fails to give peace of mind to the true utility of their applications. A human middle man could facilitate the process for all parties, but such interactions are ill-refined in their process. Bankex describes a digital framework to handle assets, but banks are not just services, there is a human KYC process which prevents the majority of fraud. Now the question is - Will a major bank or business use this digital framework to handle their assets? We don't see it happening anytime soon. There is little evidence to support a profitable investment in Bankex' ICO. This is likely why Bankex has opted to throw in a bunch of other technology alongside their flagship product to give the appearance of sustainable development. Feel free to take a trip on the hype train as it could give out decent rewards however, keep in mind that you could be getting off at the bottom of the hill with its obscenely high hard-cap and risky business model.

  • 由于信息更新可能存在时间差异,因此应通过其官方网站或其他沟通渠道验证有关每个ICO项目的准确信息。
  • 这些信息不是投资ICO资金的建议或建议。请自行彻底调查相关信息并决定ICO的参与情况。
  • 如果您认为有任何问题需要纠正,或者您想提交自己的ICO项目,请给我们发送电子邮件。
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