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ArgusNFT is a suite of industry-first NFT services powered by artificial intelligence.
To be announced

关于 ArgusNFT

ArgusNFT is driving adoption of Cardano NFTs by building solutions to widespread market problems and inefficiencies.

Argus, the project's flagship protocol, is an AI/ML-powered, NFT copy (i.e. fake) detection platform. It brings to Cardano scalable, cross-chain protection from NFT copies/fakes - a problem that has plagued Ethereum marketplaces and is increasingly becoming a problem on Cardano.

Argus is made up of two main components:

  1. Artificial intelligence models to identify whether NFT images are copies. (Argus currently supports image files only, we've done extensive research on how to extend support to audio (i.e. music) and video files, and plan to start building out alternative media support in the first half of 2023.)
  2. A custom, machine learning model that assesses image similarity and other data to fine-tune Argus’ determinations and achieve the highest level of accuracy possible.

Argus' core protocol is accessible to NFT collectors and marketplaces. And Aegis (the sister service to Argus) is an image registration and notification service built on top of Argus' core, copy detection protocol. Aegis enables NFT collectors, artists and project owners to prevent bad actors from listing and selling plagiarized NFTs on Cardano.

Following the rollout of B2B and B2C applications of Argus and Aegis, ArgusNFT will build upon its core AI/ML protocol to create services addressing the following areas:

  1. Verifying NFT authenticity and Intellectual Property.
  2. Improving NFT searchability and market liquidity.

ArgusNFT's expertise in AI/ML and systematic plan to develop complementary AI protocols will yield industry-first solutions likely to gain widespread adoption - first across the Cardano NFT ecosystem, and later across the NFT market in general.


For creators

Protect your NFT projects and artwork from plagiarism with Aegis (coming soon).

For Marketplaces

Save time and resources, and protect your users from unwittingly buying counterfeit NFTs.

For Collectors

Verify NFTs aren’t copies before you buy them, and protect your collection into the future from fakes with Aegis (coming soon).

ArgusNFT 球队

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Co-Founder and CTO. ML Engineer, SPO & Plutus Pion...
Co-Founder and CBDO. Business development, product...
Full Stack & Mobile Engineer. SPO and Cardano Wall...
Backend application developer. Cardano SPO, Plutus...

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