Academia Lingu

Academia Lingu

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Academia Lingu是一个ICO平台,旨在为所有互联网用户提供基于区块链技术的平等语言培训。希望在此平台上练习语言的学员可以根据自己的兴趣获得基于水平的新闻和文章,确定他们的水平和需求,或参加点对点会议。儿童可以通过有趣的方式学习语言,恕不另行通除此之外,学习者只能使用该平台来提高他们的谈话技巧。
ICO Sale
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
Pre-ICO Sale
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据

关于 Academia Lingu

Academia Lingu是一个平台,旨在基于区块链技术为所有互联网用户提供平等的语言教育。想要在这个平台上练习语言的学习者可以根据自己的兴趣获得基于水平的新闻和文章,确定他或她的水平和需求,参加或给予同伴会议。孩子们可以通过有趣的方式学习语言,恕不另行通知除此之外,学习者还可以仅使用平台来提高他/她的口语技能。


  • 2018 Q3

  • - Pre-ICO SALE
  • 2018 Q4

  • - ICO SALE.
    - Academia Lingu Language Teaching/Learning Platform v1.0.1 will be released.
  • 2019 Q1

  • - Getting listed on exchanges.
    - Academia Lingu Language Teaching/Learning Platform v1.0.2 will be released.
  • 2019 Q2

  • - Exclusive only materials will be published on the Platform.
    - Additional Languages will be added to the Platform.
  • 阅读更多
  • 2019 Q3

  • - Mobile App. for IOS and Android will be released.
    - Language Practice Program will be launched.
  • 2019 Q4

  • - Academia Lingu Kids Platform v1.0.1 will be released.
  • 2020 Q1

  • - Getting partnered with Language Schools worldwide.
    - Language Practice Program will be adapted to our Partnership Projects.
    - Academia Lingu Kids Language Teaching/Learning Platform v1.0.2 will be released.
  • 2020 Q2

  • - Academia Lingu Language Course will be started in Turkey locally.
    - Roadmap Update.

Academia Lingu 球队

验证 88%


Aysenur Toprakseven
Social Media Manager
Gizem Senol
Marketing Manager
Kemal Yildirim
Network and Sysadmin
Ferdi Aygun
Lead Developer
Emre Kutuk
CEO & Co-Founder
Gunalp Uysal
CTO & Co-Founder
Furkan Yilmaz
Senior Soft. Dev. & Co-Founder
Tuncay Ugur
Head of F.L.D. & Co-Founder

Academia Lingu 面试

Gizem Senol
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Marketing manager
Kemal Yildirim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
A promising project for the future.
Ferdi Aygun
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Thats okey
Emre Kutuk
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I will lead the project in general and language-related areas. I have experience in English Language Teaching for many years and in terms of being a better instructor I've taken any opportunity I could. Through Academia Lingu we will solve the major problems in language learning field for both teachers and learners. The world will become a big classroom for all of them.
Gunalp Uysal
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the cheif technical officer in this project. I will decide which techonology we will use and developed the platform. Also I believe we will be successful in this project and changce the way of learning a language all around the world
Furkan Yilmaz
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm Senior Software Developer of Academia Lingu. I'm also supports the project as a graphic designer.
Tuncay Ugur
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As an English teacher I am Co-Founder and the Head of Foreign Languages Department of this project. Our goal is to make learning a language by yourself easier.

Academia Lingu 最新消息

5.0 3
ICO 轮廓 视力 活动 潜在 产品 球队
  • 由于信息更新可能存在时间差异,因此应通过其官方网站或其他沟通渠道验证有关每个ICO项目的准确信息。
  • 这些信息不是投资ICO资金的建议或建议。请自行彻底调查相关信息并决定ICO的参与情况。
  • 如果您认为有任何问题需要纠正,或者您想提交自己的ICO项目,请给我们发送电子邮件。
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