50Cent Network

50Cent Network

Created using Figma
50CENT NETWORK is an algorithmic stable coin created for POLYGON, an L2 solution for Ethereum. Inspired by Klondike, Frax and other stable coins that existed before, its purpose is to become a stable coin that will efficiently peg to 50cent US (pegged to 0.5 USDC specifically).
  • 市场
  • Quickswap
    50C/0X0D500B1D8E8EF31E21C99D1DB9A6444D3ADF1270 ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.1238
    $ 8.28
  • Quickswap
    50C/0X2791BCA1F2DE4661ED88A30C99A7A9449AA84174 ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.1242
    $ 7.82
  • Quickswap
    50C/0X7CEB23FD6BC0ADD59E62AC25578270CFF1B9F619 ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.1078
    $ 0.6690
To be announced

关于 50Cent Network

Throughout the short "history" of Algorithmic Stablecoins (also referred to as “Seigniorage Stablecoins”), we observed a common trend of staying relatively "stable" around 50 cents rather than the targeted 1 US Dollar from various projects. As many algorithmic stablecoins have failed to maintain their peg with 1 US Dollar, the team revisioned the goal for our token to stay as stable as possible by compressing the peg threshold down to 50 cents. 50 cents is also a good starting point for our services, including the lottery or NFT marketplace. Imagine a place where you can sell or buy NFTs with the minimum starting bid of just 50 cents! Or buying lottery tickets that only cost half a buck per pop but can potentially win you millions! EACH! The possibilities are endless...

- "Expansion": A percentage of the total 50C supply is minted. The minted 50C is given to users who staked their 50K (50 Cent Keeper)
tokens depending on how many 50K they staked.
- "Contraction": 50C minting is stopped. Instead, 50B tokens (bonds) are available for sale. Users can buy 50B with 50C. For 1 (one) 50B bought, 1 (one) 50C is automatically burnt. The Tax will also be significantly higher during this time.
- 50B tokens can’t be redeemed (convert to 50C) when TWAP of 50C is under $0.5, but they can be whenever TWAP of 50C goes back over $0.5.This is a premium mechanism incentivizing users to buy bonds and helping the price to get back above its peg.

50Cent Network 最新消息

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