The Hellenium Project

The Hellenium Project

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Son Güncelleme

13 Oca 2022

The Hellenium Project is a Meta-Bank creating the DeFI infrastructure needed to enable a transaction Fee-Free domestic & international trade of the future .
4 Months
10 Oca 2022
12 Nis 2022
100% tamamlanan
Yükseltilmiş fonlar - Veri yok
Jeton Detayları
Toplam tedarik
Jeton Dağılımı
30% Foundation,
5.5% STO investors,
3.3 -10% team,
remaining to businesses only
Kabul Edilen Para Birimleri
Min Katkı
Şirket Detayları
Kayıtlı Şirket Adı
SoniceSonice UK Ltd
Kayıtlı Ülke
United Kingdom
Bonus Yapısı
At post STO phase
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MVP / Prototip
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hakkında The Hellenium Project

 Hellenium was created to become the blueprint for the Banks of the future (see article on the subject).

All of Hellenium technologies, its infrastructure, its products, and its services are solely focused on supporting supply chains, recognizing that every business belongs and is interdependent on one or more to function and to grow.

The reasons behind this mind shift are simple to comprehend and consist of two parts.

The first refers to the fact that no business is immune to its supply chain problems. Businesses are interdependent within supply chains. Upturns and downturns of one will affect all others directly or indirectly.  See the effect chip shortages or the containers ships have in the global supply chains.

The second refers to the distorted prices of end products and services due to the cascading effect of the cost of trade between entities on a supply chain. The root causes that cause the cost of trade to rise are the lack of trust between companies, the dispersed cross-border trade regulatory frameworks, and the monopolizing of trade-related service provision and mediation from Banks, Trade Insurance companies, and Currency Exchanges. It is a fact that the combined effect of these three causes can distort the end price of products and services by more than 50%! (see The AI Book chapter 32).

There is no Bank in the world at present that offers products and services on a supply chain level, able to counteract the above-mentioned effects.

Hellenium is going to be the first. The way we achieve this is by offering the key players in supply chains the technologies needed to create the seeds of domestic or cross-border Closed Loop Economies within which the rules of trade are defined by the businesses themselves rather than any external Agency. (Read about CLEs here)

Consumers in this case considered the tail end of any supply chain and while they will be allowed to open an account with us this would happen only through the integration of their “needs” with a member of a supply chain (i.e. by participating in a loyalty program) or us during the STO period when we will allow investors to acquire shares (see here the msc1 SAFE contract) 

Hellenium will differ dramatically from any other bank and in addition to the above mentioned strategic and methodological differences, because:

  •       It will be one of the most secure financial institutions in the world
  •       its customers will be its stakeholders as well and on a profit-sharing basis
  •       its “officers” being AI and ML routines or its customers themselves will allow it to operate digitally which will drastically reduce its cost-of-service provision
  •       It will be Universal by design through the Stellar protocol operating through DLT and where needed EMI licenses
  •     It will be using a decentralized clearing protocol eliminating the need for mediators and reducing thus drastically transaction cost
  •       It will not be affiliated with any Schemes, external Payment Processors, legacy Banking, or ATM networks resulting in being able to offer to its customers a transaction-fee free commerce platform on the B2C level to operate with
  •       …and many, many more innovative products and services spanning from Liquid Payments to save haven (hedged assets), to AI-powered surplus use for supply chain finance, to dedicated B2C mechanisms (see u-paid-m) to Smart Contracts and e-invoicing platforms.

Hellenium is expected to disrupt the way domestic and international trade happens forever

Our progress so far is spectacular for the timescales involved

  • We have now concluded phase one of the project using our own capital
  • The 2DVVI the techno-methodology that can change how trade is conducted in the future is now fully functioning and already published (see The Al Book by Wiley). 2DVVI allows the creation of Closed Loop Economies comprising business ecosystems of any size which can operate creating their own rational rules of the trade! We trained Learning Systems routines to achieve that using math based on Shapley Values and Nash Equilibriums.
  • The DLT infrastructure that was needed is now in place, see for Hellenium in 
  • The Smart Contracts platform is now in place
  • All basic Al or ML-powered modules to support the functions of any ecosystem or any size are in place as well
  • Our u-paid-m app is published you can download it here
  • The intelligent DBs, the wallet, and the exchange needed to support the functions of  all of the above are also in place
  • One of our biggest achievements, the next generation of a medium of exchange and a store of value, a fluid crypto asset that is a derivative by design anchored in meta-stable assets with value that cannot be reduced was already created. We named it msc1, which stands for meta-stable-currency-one. Msc1 is anchored against securities and more specifically partly on credit, partly on the company's SAFEs and for UK based entities through the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS)

We are raising funds to fuel the growth of the Bank.

We will use the proceeds from its sales during this funding round to scale up operations and fulfill the substantial demand for our services from our existing sales pipeline

You as an investor have now the unique opportunity to become the co-founder of the future of trade. This will be the only round where individual investors will be allowed to acquire msc1. All next rounds will be for businesses only. Read all our documentation to make an informed decision.


The Hellenium Project is the creation of a fully Digital MetaBank and as such a massive undertaking that has taken us 5 years already.

Due to the sheer number of services we could actually offer we needed to prioritize their release and phase them based on the degree of usefulness they could offer to the global business community.

For the initial phase, the services we decided to offer to businesses are:

  • Business Wallets – These will have multiple sub-accounts four fiats an XLM one and our hybrid meta-asset msc1  
  • Cross-border funds transfer in any of the above-supported currencies 
  • Domestic fund transfers only between Hellenium accounts
  • Cash management for B2C interactions through the use of our u-paid-m app. This intends to solve the problems all couriers and food delivery enterprises are facing by zeroing today’s massive Cash On Delivery costs
  • Zero-fee  B2C transactions. This service  can be used in all other instances except the above-mentioned and can once more zero the cost of both online B2C transactions during e-commerce as well all P2P, B2C, and IoT to Consumer ones
  • Advanced Loyalty (Personalized through smart contracts). A service capable of stopping price wars between companies to offer adopters a competitive advantage. It will be applicable across entire supply chains rather than a single company. It will be a revolution in Loyalty. The AI version of it will be introduced in Phase 2
  • u-paid-m API– This will be offered to any business with an existing loyalty or utility app
  • Chain Payments – This is a Smart Contracts on demand service that enables the creation of Closed Loop Economies using our 2DVVI techno-methodology able to achieve economies of scale that can exceed 70%!
  • Msc1 trade – We already have a crypto exchange in place connected through KELP to Automated Liquidity Pools which will allow businesses to buy and sell msc1 for their transaction needs

In addition to the above we plan to offer during this phaser:

  • A business transaction needs analysis as a service
  • Supply Chain management services
  • And smart contracts on-demand services

Finally, it is worth mentioning that all accounts will be entitled to our use-based passive mining facilities through manual or automated functions. For more details please see our white paper.

The features of the msc1 meta-asset on the other hand can be summed by the following:

Fulfilling its role as a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of account was paramount, as these characteristics were developed by basic societal needs over the eons and so it will be.

  • Being the underlying asset in mobile to mobile transactions and IoT to mobile ones without the use of POS or e-POS devices as well human-action-free transactions (i.e. actionless ticketing or tolls)

  • Storing of its value will be actuated on blockchain level e-wallets while its value will be backed (anchored) on assets not affected by State monetary policies, the markets, artificial or actual supply shortages, or other assets (i.e. bitcoin, commodities etc.) price fluctuations. Equally significant is the management of its supply (liquidity) and distribution process  which will be automated and AI-based through a systemic untampered price stabilization mechanism away from human sentimental decision making or State fiscal policies

  • Units of account traditionally measure the relative value of goods and services and hence any assets/securities this meta-asset will be pegged against. This by default means that any meta-asset should be a derivative and more specifically a future. As such its spot value at the point of ownership should reflect its future price. Msc1 is exactly that, a derivative.

  • A universally (as in state-agnostic)  accepted form of security with its value compared to any fiat one or a basket of, will be increasing constantly to counteract inflation without the necessity of an interest rate mechanism in order to be sharia law compatible as well.

  • Will be able to be used by both closed and open-loop economies (see article on the topic). The significance of the former is that it will decouple the connection between currency value and GDP which is the root cause of currency value manipulation by States

  • It will be exchangeable with any other fiat currency through the Hellenium exchange and other exchanges from the Stellar ecosystem.

  • Will be fully digital, in order to be utilized by any device anywhere on the globe reducing thus the cost of issuance and artificially reduced liquidity.

  • Finally, it will enable use-based Smart mining. This entails the discouragement of short-term ownership, its passive use as a safe haven and the incentivized provision of liquidity, reduction of transaction-risk and infrastructure to the system with free assets

        As both of these propositions within the Hellenium Project will run for a considerable time in

        The future, we designed it based on our beliefs of what is coming

Teknik bilgi

How was all of the above made possible?

  • Business Wallets – they were created using the Stellar protocol based on a DLT license and can be connected to any Bank account anywhere on the globe using banking rails available through the Stellar ecosystem

  • Cross-border funds transfer any of the above-mentioned currencies once more using the same infrastructure. We run two nodes currently in the Stellar network. One in North Europe and one the South

  • Domestic fund transfers only between Hellenium accounts– This is a standard option executed through Stellar’s Horizon

  • Cash management for B2C interactions through the use of our u-paid-m app. One of the functions of the u-paid-m app is that allows the user to scan a QR code in order to make a payment. These payments are executed automatically through the use of Smart Contract. These allow the delivery man to “pay” the system from his e-wallet on behalf of the customer for the same amount acting as a Market Maker either himself or on behalf of the Company he is working for. He can subsequently deposit the cash in exchange for his bank account.

  • Zero transaction fee  B2C transactions. This is an operational and strategic decision we made. (See our business plan for details). This works simply by us paying the gas on behalf of our customers. 

  • Advanced Loyalty (Personalized through smart contracts). Advanced Loyalty is in simple terms a Personalized Smart Contract which we can create on-demand per customer. It is algorithmic and hence dependent on circumstances. For example, a Supermarket’s Loyalty program can contain a loop calculated by an accumulated discount based on total purchased value over a period of time and number of visits.

  • U-paid-m API– We will be offering a series of APIs to developers that wish to integrate our payments system within existing loyalty or utility apps or as an additional optional payment system

  • Chain Payments – This is a Smart Contracts on-demand service that enables the creation of Closed Loop Economies using our 2DVVI techno-methodology. Those interested can find details of how the techno-methodology is working in The AI Book ch 32. From a mathematical perspective, Smart Contracts execution algorithms use the Shapley Value while on supply chain level and Shapley Values plus Nash equations when on business ecosystem level where more than one supply chains intersect

  • Msc1 trade – We already have a crypto exchange in place connected through KELP to Automated Liquidity Pools which will allow businesses to buy and sell msc1 for their transaction needs as we explained above

  • A business transaction needs analysis is a service that calculates initially the transaction cost of a business, the risk profiles of the supply chains it depends on and is affected from, and the value it actually offers within these ecosystems. Businesses will be using this information to minimize their risk using our products, reduce their cost, increase their liquidity, reduce the need for borrowing and create a pricing and sales policy. There is no Bank other than Hellenium that has the tools or the expertise to offer this service which is expected to be extremely popular

  • Supply Chain management services –Supply chain management is needed due to three factors. Lack of trust reduced information and human intervention. We provide businesses with the technological substitute of trust and automation of transactions through the use of smart contracts. The combined effect eliminates all root causes that generated the need to manage your supply chain. Of course, this is a static view as overtime conditions change and markets need to adjust to external environments (as in changes in regulatory frameworks or imported market turmoils) and that is the reason we are offering businesses the ability to build AIor ML-powered Smart Contracts. These can be offered instruction of how to operate with a set of specific parameters and only if they are exceeded to request human intervention.

  • And smart contract on-demand services – All the above have as a starting point the creation of Smart Contract. This can take several forms and it is always made to order as it normally contains ML or AI algorithms. We have a dedicated team for this task. To be noted that Smart Contracts in this instance are unlike Etherium ones in Stellar are coded within trust lines. We are using these trust lines in combination with a dedicated Smart Contracts platform to build them and modify them. 

On the msc1 front:

Msc1 was created to become the preferred currency within the Closed Loop Economies, Supply Chains participants will be creating. The exclusion of fiat currencies within them is analyzed in the paper we have published in our blog accessible from our site.(Read More)


% name% Yol Haritası

  • Phase 1 2016-2021

  • Ripple node
    2DVVI algorithmic and AI modules
    Liquid Debt
    Liquid Payments
    Partnership with b-Liquid
    Partnership with EDPS
    1st Stellar node
    Polymorphic e-wallets
    Advanced Loyalty
    Smart Contracts platform
    Chain Payments
    The Hellenium project
    The Hellenium wallet
    Closed Loop Economies
    The Hellenium Exchange (CHF, GBP, €, $, XLM, msc1)
    Cross-border transfers
    Design and creation of msc1
    STO campaign preparation
  • Phase 2 (2022)

  • Q1 -STO
    Q1-Distribution of tokens
    Q1-Recruitment across Europe
    Q1-Completion of Greek Node in Stellar
    Q1-Services localisation S. Europe
    Q1-Mass onboarding processes finalization
    Q1-DLT European license

    Q2-Official announcement of the Bank’s opening
    Q2-Mass advertising campaigns
    Q2-Virtual shops
    Q2-COD process automation
    Q2-Partnerships with large Loyalty and Utility applications Enterprises
    Q2-Additional Exchanges msc1 listing
    Q2-msc1 trade commencing
    Q2-msc1 3 months sales threshold for STO participants
    Q2-Customers’ onboarding
    Q2-u-paid-m API
    Q2-Second Line support teams in place
    Q2-Cross border transfers front end opens

    Q3-Go-no-Go EMI license
    Q3-AI-powered Advance Loyalty
    Q3-Six months msc1 sales threshold for asset holders
    Q3-Smart Contracts platform
    Q3-Chain Payments

    Q4-3rd Stellar Node in M. East
    Q4-The Hellenium Exchange (phase 2) – Balkan, E. European and M. East currencies
    Q4- Expansion in the Balkans and E. Europe
  • Phase 2(2023)

  • Q1-12 months msc1 sales threshold
    Q1-Mining gains distribution round A

    Q2-Liquid Payments service as a Platform launch

    Q3-Supply Chain Finance through the 2DVVI

    Q4-Expansions in regions important to our customers

The Hellenium Project Takım

Doğrulanmış 33%

Dikkat. Doğrulanmamış üyelerin aslında takımın üyesi olmadığı bir tehlike var

Sotiris Melioumis
Project Head
Mukul Gopaliya
Team Lead
Mohammed Faizan
Development Lead

The Hellenium Project Görüşmeler

Mukul Gopaliya
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the one managing the project with my team, I take care of development team as well which sits in different locations. From last 3 years we have been working on that
What do you think about idea?
The Hellenium Project is the creation of a fully Digital MetaBank and as such a massive undertaking that has taken us 5 years already.

Due to the sheer number of services we could actually offer we needed to prioritize their release and phase them based on the degree of usefulness they could offer to the global business community.

The Hellenium Project Son haberler

  • Bilgi güncellemelerinde zaman farklılıkları olabileceğinden, her ICO projesi hakkında doğru bilgilerin resmi web sitesi veya diğer iletişim kanalları aracılığıyla doğrulanması gerekir.
  • Bu bilgi, ICO finansmanına yatırım konusunda bir öneri veya tavsiye değildir. Lütfen ilgili bilgileri iyice araştırın ve ICO katılımına karar verin.
  • Bu içerikte düzeltilmesi gereken sorunlar veya sorunlar olduğunu düşünüyorsanız veya listelenen kendi ICO projenizi göndermek istiyorsanız, lütfen bize e-posta gönderin. a>
Lütfen sorumluluk reddi beyanını ve risk uyarısını okuyun. Feragatnameyi göster ve risk uyarısı.


Bu teklif yalnızca teklif veren tarafından sağlanan bilgilere ve diğer kamuya açık bilgilere dayanmaktadır. Belirleyiciyi satma veya değiştirme olayı ICO hak sahibiyle tamamen ilgisizdir ve ICO sahibinin (teknik destek veya tanıtım da dahil olmak üzere) herhangi bir katkısı yoktur. ICO sahibinin ilişkisi bulunmayan kişilerden gelen simge satışları, müşterilerin yalnızca genel simge sektöründe gerçekleşen etkinliği takip etmelerinde yardımcı olmak için gösterilir. Bu bilgi, hangi konuda güvenmeniz gerektiğini tavsiye etmeye yönelik değildir. Sitemizdeki içerikler temelinde herhangi bir işlemi yapmadan veya bunlardan kaçınmadan önce mesleki veya uzman tavsiyesi edinmeniz veya kendi durumunuzu gerçekleştirmeniz gerekir. Katkıda bulunanlar tarafından Token'in satın alınmasıyla ilgili olarak girilen tüm şartlar ve koşullar, Token'in ihraççısı ile ICOholder arasındaki aralarında bulunduğu bu tür Kartların satıcısı değildir. ICOholder'ın herhangi bir Token satışı konusunda üçüncü şahıslar tarafından yapılan herhangi bir beyanattan hiçbir hukuki sorumluluğu bulunmamaktadır ve sözleşme ihlali iddiası, burada belirtilen Token yayınlayan şahısa karşı doğrudan yapılmalıdır.     

Bu simge satışının niteliği, uygunluğu veya yasallığı ile ilgili herhangi bir endişeniz varsa lütfen ile iletişime geçin. endişelerinizle ilgili ayrıntılı bilgi.