SID Token

SID Token

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Son Güncelleme

15 May 2018

İnternetin bir kişinin Smartphone'undan diğerine paylaşımını sağlayacak, özellikle toplumda daha az şanslı olanlara internet erişimi sunan eşler arası ve eşler arası çoklu paylaşım İnternet eko sistemi (Kısaca İnternet Verilerini veya SID'yi Paylaş) . Bununla birlikte, bu çözüm, interneti başkalarıyla paylaşanlar için bireysel iadelere izin verecektir. Tokenomics, bu çözümün kullanıcılarının gelecekteki SID belirteçlerine geleneksel veya kripto para birimi takas etmelerine izin vererek ve bunun tersi yapılarak, internet üzerinden megabaytlık SID belirteçleri takas etmeleri ve bunun tersi olarak, SID belirteçlerinde alım satım reklamları ve alım satımı (gönderim) yoluyla sağlanmıştır. ve SID ekosistemi kullanıcıları arasında belirteçler).
  • Market
    Cilt 24H
    24H (fiyat)
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  • ExMarkets
    SIDT/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0004
  • ExMarkets
    SIDT/ETH 2 one year ago
    $ 3.0E-5
    SIDT/USDT 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0005
May, 2019
May, 2019
100% tamamlanan
Yükseltilmiş fonlar - Veri yok
Private Sale
15 Haz 2018
31 Ara 2018
100% tamamlanan
$3 000 000
20% hedef tamamlanan
Hedef 15 000 000.00 USD
kapak 102 500 000.00 USD
  • 1 SIDT
    0.012 USD
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Evet , itibaren Mar 1, 2018 kadar Dec 31, 2018

hakkında SID Token

 A peer-to-peer and peer-to-multi-peer internet sharing eco-system (Share Internet Data or SID for short) that will allow sharing internet from one person’s Smartphone to another, specifically offering internet access to those less fortunate in society. This solution will however also allow individual returns to those who share their internet with others. Tokenomics are ensured by allowing users of this solution to trade traditional or crypto-currency into our future SID tokens and vice-versa, trade SID tokens for megabytes of internet data and vice-versa, trade consumed advertising into SID tokens, and trade (send and receive) tokens between users of the SID eco-system. 

We propose a solution to the status-quo where internet is mostly obtained from traditional service providers or mobile network operators. Our novelty is achieved by using crowd sourced internet in a peer-to-peer structure between nearby Smartphones as per our fully in-house developed intellectual proprietary eco-system based on: pending PCT patent WO2016124915A1 filed in 2015 and going forward provisional USPTO patent Application Number 62588951 filed in 2017. The Smartphones will automatically share internet with nearby smartphones or tablets, based on a set of parameters, and upload the encrypted users’ trades to BlockChain custodians. Such trades as described above will create future token growing liquidity in line with our company revenue growth. 

In this way, the key company mission of SID “To lift as many people as possible out of poverty by means of giving the less fortunate a way to access free internet access” is also achieved. The less fortunate will be able in future to get free internet access by collecting tokens in Summary of the Whitepaper (version of 18th April 2018) exchange of consuming advertising but without paying a penny for it. Such obtained tokens are then to be used to pay for consumed internet megabytes OR users can cash-out token through traded exchanges where other SID users will buy those to consume on the SID eco-system. 

One of the key features of this SID eco-system solution is that it will reward everyone, also the more fortunate well-off people of society to share their mobile data or private home Wi-Fi in exchange of tokens: 

(i) Till to date any non-consumed mobile data at the end of each month, on most traditional network operator’s contracts, is simply lost. Our solution allows these users to recover part of that in tokens through obtaining tokens for sharing their mobile data with other nearby SID users, not letting those otherwise unused megabytes go to waste each month. 
(ii) Till to date any non-consumed home Wi-Fi data at the end of each month, on most traditional internet service providers contracts, is simply lost too. Our solution will allow SID users to recover part of that in tokens through earning tokens for sharing home Wi-Fi internet with other nearby SID users, not letting those otherwise unused megabytes go to waste each month. 

Please be sure to check your network operator or internet service provider terms and conditions, because some have a small print stating that the internet they purchase is only for private use and thus not for re-sale. Although anyone can activate on a smartphone the tethering or hotspot function, the mobile operator who provides the SIM can disable this option remotely although this is rarely done anymore. SID therefore includes an end-user setting to allow sharing automatically its Mobile data or not with nearby SID users and is prompted to confirm. SID is the ultimate of de-centralization because only the end-user decides if it shares its internet AND if it gets paid in tokens for its shared internet. 

In the same way as in the previous case, this SID solution incentivizes users to share their home or business internet data without giving their private or business password to any other person. Actually, traditionally, people used to give the password of their home Wi-Fi to visitors thereby exposing the security of everything connected to their internal Wi-Fi network. In our SID solution the user who is home shares internet with visitors through his Smartphone or tablet, over an encrypted proprietary link and therefore nobody has access to the internal Wi-Fi network at all. 

Our technology SID-SDK is available also through a 3rd party APP, Dunkin Donut´s franchise in Spain called Dunkin Coffee, through Frinwo S.L. in Spain, which resulted in 250,000 downloads of which 91,000 active mobile users who in turn will share internet with our own future SID users. Download our APP from the Play Store and App Store from our web:

% name% Yol Haritası

  • DECEMBER 2016

  • First steps
    A patent was assigned to a start-up called Frinwo S.L. co-founded by one of the authors of the patent and a development team (R&D team) who would go on to implement the core technology of the patent in software code as proof of principle.
  • JULY 2017

  • AutoWiFi SDK running on Dunkin Coffee App
    One of two SDKs under development was completed, namely the AutoWiFi SDK and was consequently implemented in the APP of a real 3rd party client, namely “Dunkin Coffee” which is Dunkin Donut´s franchise for Spain, as proof of concept.
  • SEPTEMBER 2017

  • Testing
    Some key parts of a new patent, whilst writing this were tested by its author as to assess its novelty and to convince himself that a particular technical issue or shortcoming will truly be solved when implementing a particular embodiment or claim or combination thereof.
  • NOVEMBER 2017

  • SID SDK alpha version
    The first alpha version of the development of the second SDK was completed for Android, namely the SID SDK and is currently available only on the Android Play Store for current Users or potential new Users or potential future token (voucher) buyers.
    New patent
    The SID Co-Founder completed, after several months of work, the filing of the strategic pending provisional patent as sole inventor and registered at the USPTO on 21st November 2017
  • Daha fazla oku
  • JANUARY 2018

  • Issue solved
    The Android 7 issue of not auto connecting in background has now been fixed, but it took around 2 months to find an acceptable solution simply due to restrictions imposed by Google on the Android 7 operating system update.
    1st Commercial Release: SID APP
    Than by January 6th, 2018 SID Ltd Chairman & Co-Founder announced publicly in the morning CET time-zone, first through Linked-In, the formal 1st commercial release of the SID APP, on both App Store & Play Store.
    David Drake: Board Advisor
    That same day in the evening, CET time-zone, SID Ltd entered into a Board Advisor Agreement with David Drake, Chairman of LDJcapital ( to join SID Limited and guide us through an ITO (initial token offering) process, together with SID´s ITO Advisors called Fyrsst (
  • FEBRUARY 2018

  • Vladimir Nikitin: Board Advisor
    By the end of February 2018 SID Limited entered into a Board Advisor Agreement with Vladimir Nikitin. This will strengthen SID’s presence in the Baltic region.
    Integrating with Stellar
    Software system Integration started between SID system and the Stellar Ledger (Blockchain) to alpha test the micro payments portion of the SID system, that will be the backbone for the trades of SID tokens between SID users for shared Internet.
  • MARCH 2018

  • Simon Cocking: Board Advisor
    By 2nd week of March 2018, SID Limited entered into a Board Advisor Agreement with the currently undisputed No.1 influencer person as listed in Website, namely with Simon Cocking, Editor in Chief of www.Cryptocoin.News. This will strengthen SID’s presence in Europe and beyond even further.
    SID wallet in progress
    SID APP wallet software coding started to be interoperable with the Stellar blockchain structures.
  • APRIL 2018

  • Android 8 compatibility
    A major SID Android App update is planned for mid April ensuring SID (Share Internet Data) between nearby Androids is also compatible to Android 8 Operating System.
    In preparation to a future public Token sale, SID enabled WhiteListing such that SID users can register. This is required in order to be elegible to participate in a soon to be announced Private Token sale.

SID Token Malzemeler

SID Token Takım

Doğrulanmış 12%

Dikkat. Doğrulanmamış üyelerin aslında takımın üyesi olmadığı bir tehlike var

Corey Wilton
Community Manager
Erick Pardio
Mexico Growth Manager


$5 822 440

Gaurav Areng
Marketing Associate
Paul Mears
New Business Manager
Santosh Yellajosula
Chief Tokenization Officer
Bala Krishnan
José Merino


$3 000 000

Lajos Kiss
Chief Operating Officer
Jesús Ruiz
Lead Developer - CEO Spain


$3 000 000

Daniel Urbano


$3 000 000

Michael Camilleri
Regional expansion Canada & US


$3 000 000

Alberto Avilés
Android Lead Engineer


$3 000 000

Jesús León
iOS Lead Engineer


$3 000 000

Mihaela Dimitrova
Designer & Marketing Ninja
Marcin Zduniak
Blockchain Developer


$3 000 000

Susan Howard
Expenses Controller


$3 000 000

Ibrahim Halkano
Strategist Blockchain Micropayments


Doğrulanmış 0%

Dikkat. Doğrulanmamış üyelerin aslında takımın üyesi olmadığı bir tehlike var

39 ICOs

$160 302 714

Nikolay Shkilev
Board Advisor
Cooz Komei Tokita
Board Advisor

85 ICOs

$176 344 040

Simon Cocking
Board Advisor

53 ICOs

$255 695 082

David Drake
Board Advisor

45 ICOs

$249 096 015

Vladimir Nikitin
Board Advisor


$13 476 340

Wannipha Jen
Board Advisor

29 ICOs

$38 910 631

Amarpreet Singh
Board Advisor


$3 000 000

Christian Solly Nybo...
Strategic Advisor


$3 000 000

Kerry Ritz
Strategic Advisor

SID Token Görüşmeler

José Merino
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
This idea about Tokenizing Sharing Internet, in specific Mobile Data wil help so any people around the world to get primary internet access and become part of the massive sharing industry!!!
Jesús Ruiz
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the Lead Developer and CEO for Spain.
I think the world really needs an easy and universal way to connect to Internet. There are millions of people who can not connect to Internet and SID is the solution for a worldwide problem.

SID Token Son haberler

  • Bilgi güncellemelerinde zaman farklılıkları olabileceğinden, her ICO projesi hakkında doğru bilgilerin resmi web sitesi veya diğer iletişim kanalları aracılığıyla doğrulanması gerekir.
  • Bu bilgi, ICO finansmanına yatırım konusunda bir öneri veya tavsiye değildir. Lütfen ilgili bilgileri iyice araştırın ve ICO katılımına karar verin.
  • Bu içerikte düzeltilmesi gereken sorunlar veya sorunlar olduğunu düşünüyorsanız veya listelenen kendi ICO projenizi göndermek istiyorsanız, lütfen bize e-posta gönderin. a>
Lütfen sorumluluk reddi beyanını ve risk uyarısını okuyun. Feragatnameyi göster ve risk uyarısı.


Bu teklif yalnızca teklif veren tarafından sağlanan bilgilere ve diğer kamuya açık bilgilere dayanmaktadır. Belirleyiciyi satma veya değiştirme olayı ICO hak sahibiyle tamamen ilgisizdir ve ICO sahibinin (teknik destek veya tanıtım da dahil olmak üzere) herhangi bir katkısı yoktur. ICO sahibinin ilişkisi bulunmayan kişilerden gelen simge satışları, müşterilerin yalnızca genel simge sektöründe gerçekleşen etkinliği takip etmelerinde yardımcı olmak için gösterilir. Bu bilgi, hangi konuda güvenmeniz gerektiğini tavsiye etmeye yönelik değildir. Sitemizdeki içerikler temelinde herhangi bir işlemi yapmadan veya bunlardan kaçınmadan önce mesleki veya uzman tavsiyesi edinmeniz veya kendi durumunuzu gerçekleştirmeniz gerekir. Katkıda bulunanlar tarafından Token'in satın alınmasıyla ilgili olarak girilen tüm şartlar ve koşullar, Token'in ihraççısı ile ICOholder arasındaki aralarında bulunduğu bu tür Kartların satıcısı değildir. ICOholder'ın herhangi bir Token satışı konusunda üçüncü şahıslar tarafından yapılan herhangi bir beyanattan hiçbir hukuki sorumluluğu bulunmamaktadır ve sözleşme ihlali iddiası, burada belirtilen Token yayınlayan şahısa karşı doğrudan yapılmalıdır.     

Bu simge satışının niteliği, uygunluğu veya yasallığı ile ilgili herhangi bir endişeniz varsa lütfen ile iletişime geçin. endişelerinizle ilgili ayrıntılı bilgi.