Michele Zilocchi

About Michele Zilocchi

After 5 years of Chemical Engineering studies and 2 years as a successful Engineer, I decided to move on and deepen the meaning of the Leverage Effect. The best leverage I am experiencing is the satisfaction I feel when I bring results to surrounding people.

My entrepreneurial path started from two startups companies I created within microalgae as food supplement and wastewater treatment. From these experiences I understood the relevance of team-working, business design (from zero to hero) and business optimization.
During this phase I understood how much important was having a clear business planning, to reduce unexpected situations and prevent avoidable mistakes, since nothing is perfect, but everything is perfectible.

As a Crypto Expert (ICO-Bench Certified) I am involved with AmicaBorsa, where different professionals are contributing in profitable investment fields, such as Real Estate, Financial Trading, Betting Exchange and Crypto Currencies.
I am the Advisor in charge for Crypto Currencies and Editor in Chief for this Business Area. Within Cryptocurrencies I am involved in Crypto Trading, ICO review and ICO Advising, Mining Farm development and Consultancy activities. I am available for Advising innovative AND original ICO-projects with a relevant team-experience. As an ICO Advisor I can contribute to business optimization, investors networking and Advisors relationships.
If you are curious about trading, and collaboration, feel free to Inbox me.

"The beginning is the limit for a large number of people"
