John Henry Clippinger

$ 39,000,000
Projects Raised
United States
About John Henry Clippinger
Throughout my career I have always been interested in complex - self organizing systems and new approaches to organizational and institutional design to address fundamental civic, economic and ecological issues. I have held senior positions in government, large enterprises and founded 4 software companies. I been engaged with non profit organizations and institutes - Santa Fe Institute, Aspen Institute, World Economic Forum, Kauffman Foundation and I have started new programs and institutes at Harvard and Harvard Law School, Brandeis Florence Heller School, MIT Media Lab, and , co-founded ID3 with Sandy Pentland of MIT Media Lab. I am especially interested in the disruptive opportunities enabled through decentralized technologies such as crypto-currencies, smart contracts and ledgers. Organized a series of retreats and workshops to develop principles for new forms of emergent self organization and autonomous communities to develop Windhover Principles, edited book, From Bitcoin to Burning Man and Beyond- The Quest for Identity and Autonomy in Digital Society. Recently founded Token Commons Foundation in Zug Switzerland where were are developing commons based protocols for decentralized governance and self-sovereign identity and the issuance of Swytch as a utilization token to accelerate the equitable transition to sustainable energy on a global scale.
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